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Standing Strong


Stand in God’s Strength

Ephesians 6:10 urges us to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

We should rehearse this verse every day, every hour! We need to be reminded that our supposed “strengths” are micro and amount to absolutely nothing without God’s favor and goodness.

Remember, God is our leader. We’re the yielded follower. But this relational dynamic is dependent on our continual trust and acknowledgment that God’s ways are highest and best!

Newsflash! God doesn’t need us to be strong in ourselves, our abilities, or our know-how! Proverbs 3:5,6 exhorts us, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and (guess what happens next?) He will make your paths straight. Straight! I can’t even get my head on straight! But what we could never do is made possible by yielding to Christ’s ways and power!

Alone, we are in a desperately needy state. With Christ’s help, we can do ALL things. We can live content no matter the difficulties. We can live unshaken by surrounding temptations. We can live confidently when the known facts may terrify. We CAN in CHRIST!

Proverbs 3:7 takes this message even further; Do not be wise in your own eyes. GULP! Does this hit home for you like it does me? Maybe it’s because I’m female, but too often I’m simply positive that I know what’s best for me, my spouse, my kids, and the list goes on. What about you? Do you give up waiting on God when His plans don’t fit your time parameters? Sadly, when we stop trusting and take the lead, it can forfeit the gift of seeing God’s faithful and best plan play out.

What audacious pride to think that we possess any sort of wisdom outside of God shining His light on our limited understanding!

So let’s get this right. Basically, there are two essential ways we stand in God’s power.

1. We acknowledge our weaknesses.

Let’s admit our limitations. Without Christ, we are weak — and not just a little weak — we’re totally helpless and hopeless. But believer, we are not without Christ!

2. We rely on His strength!

We are able to stand strong when we look to Jesus and depend on His powerful life within us!

For further study: Reread your Scriptures and list or paraphrase the main lessons that Paul learned. Write a prayer of reliance to your Heavenly Father.

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Standing Strong

親愛的姊妹,你是否感到筋疲力盡,在與基督同行的路上需要新的生命嗎?讀這個計劃並看看你可以如何站立得穩!Amy Groeschel用大有能力的經文和她寫的十篇日記來鼓勵你,更新你對耶穌的熱情。除非另有說明,所有的經文都取自和合本聖經 。

We would like to thank Amy Groeschel and the Sister's ministry of Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:

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