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Psalm 3

# 2 S 15.13—17.22 Morning Prayer for Help#HEBREW TITLE: A psalm by David, after he ran away from his son Absalom.
1I have so many enemies, Lord,
so many who turn against me!
2They talk about me and say,
“God will not help him.”
3But you, O Lord, are always my shield from danger;
you give me victory
and restore my courage.
4I call to the Lord for help,
and from his sacred hill#3.4: sacred hill: See 2.6. he answers me.
5I lie down and sleep,
and all night long the Lord protects me.
6I am not afraid of the thousands of enemies
who surround me on every side.
7Come, Lord! Save me, my God!
You punish all my enemies
and leave them powerless to harm me.
8Victory comes from the Lord
may he bless his people.


Psalm 3: GNT





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