
Greg Sykes - Reverse预览

Greg Sykes - Reverse


## Reverse A friend of mine was walking with his little girl one night when he was startled by a man dressed in all black and held at knife-point. The man demanded that the visibly stunned father surrender his wallet and cell phone. What the perpetrator didn't know is that my friend is highly skilled in martial arts and self-defense. In less than 2 seconds, the perfectly prepared father skillfully removed the knife from the hand of his aggressor and calmly ordered him to run and not look back. That's exactly what the perpetrator did! The father and daughter watched the man disappear into the night and then went about their evening plans. Even what the enemy means to harm or use against us, our Mighty God can turn and use for our good! Maybe you're experiencing great difficulty, loss or failure. I believe that God will take and turn the results of these burdens and use them in your story for your good and His glory. If you are anything like me, perhaps some days you feel insecure, insignificant or incapable. The good news is you're in good company. All throughout the Word of God we learn that these are the people the Lord tends to use to accomplish great things! God consistently and astonishingly takes the most impossible scenarios, turns them around and uses them in ways we never thought possible. The ultimate example is this: God, through the sacrifice of His only son, REVERSED the curse of sin and took it on Himself for us, so that would be given what we don't deserve (eternal life) and relieved of what we did deserve (eternal separation from God). This is the greatest reversal of all!
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Greg Sykes - Reverse

Life can be so hard.  Our fears, failures and insecurities--if not properly put in their place --can be crippling. But thank God we don't need to live based on how we feel. The truth that supercedes our emotions, is that...


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