
Renew 预览



Day 1: Renew Your Mind What does the word “renew” mean? Webster’s Dictionary offers us a few descriptions including: * To make like new * To begin again * To restore to existence * To make extensive changes As much as I love and learn from the dictionary, the Bible also shares a few key Scriptures on the word renew, including one which will be the cornerstone of this devotional, found in Romans: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Chapter 12: 2 What I love about this verse, is that it encompasses all of the traits of the word renew. “Do not conform” -> To make extensive changes “Be transformed” -> To restore to existence “Then you will be able” -> To begin again “What God’s will is” -> To make like new Never before has there been as much emphasis on your mind and your mental well-being, and it’s important for us as followers of Jesus to have a sound mind in order for us to do what He has called us to do. My hope and prayer for this devotional is to provide a space where you allow God to restore the things He says and declares over you, while I’ll be providing some insight on how to keep your mind as physically healthy as it can be. Prayer for Day 1: Father in heaven, I thank you today that you have chosen me, and that you have given me the mind of Christ. I ask you to show me how I can mold my mind in order to be aligned with Your purpose. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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A biblical blueprint to daily help renew your mind and mental well-being.

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