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Fearless In Battle

Dia 12 de 17

Jesus explained to his disciples the miracle of the fig tree withering. “If you have faith and do not doubt ......if you say to the mountain ......it will happen” (emphasis, mine) There is power in words. We can’t ever underestimate their weight. Words attract consequences. The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18: 21) David, in the depths of adversity, declares in Psalm 27:13, “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Job, ravaged by disease and traumatized by personal loss, says, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”  Job 19:25 With death staring them in the face, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego proclaim: “We know our God is able to save us…” (Daniel 3:17) Joshua prayed aloud for the sun to stand still and it did. (Joshua 10:12-15) What are your words today? Do they speak fear or faith? Ask God to give you words that testify to His goodness and grace. Ask God to replace your fear words with faith words. Quote Scripture to yourself. There is power in God’s words. When I experienced the dreaded voice of fear when my daughter was going through surgery, I chose to anchor myself in the Word of God. I crushed fear with the best weapon possible – the Word of God. I spoke life-giving, life-affirming words. I rested in the character of God and claimed Who He is – the Healer, the Life Giver, the Father, the Almighty God – in my prayers. When you walk through the waters, remember that God is with you. Speak life. Speak the words of God.

Sobre este plano

Fearless In Battle

É alguém que cede sistematicamente ao medo? Ou vive consistentemente pela fé? Neste devocional, aprenda a dar passos de fé, de modo a dar a Deus a oportunidade de mostrar o Seu poder na sua situação aparentemente impossí...


Gostaríamos de agradecer a Rajiv Chelladurai e à LifeWay Publications India por terem fornecido este plano. Para mais informações, por favor visite: https://lifeway.in/fearless/

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