פרטי תכנית

הכנת ליבנו לפסחא: צום לתפילהדוגמה

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional

יום 37 מתוך 40

"Day 37: The Plot" Even when Jesus’ life was slipping away from him, he remained remarkably in control. He predicted his arrest and crucifixion before the religious leaders met to conspire against him. He knew that Judas, one of his trusted apostles, would betray him. How disturbing that must have been to Judas to know that Jesus could see right through his charade. Though humans have their plots and schemes, it is God’s plan that always prevails. Nothing can interfere with what he has purposed to do. And nothing is more central to God’s eternal plan than that Jesus, the Son of Man, would be delivered up to be crucified. His final meal, the Passover, carried symbolic import and pointed to the purpose for Jesus’ death. The Passover was an annual celebration of Israel’s exodus from slavery in Egypt. Jesus’ death would be the new Passover. Those who trust in him experience the ultimate Exodus — deliverance from the slavery of sin. As a result, they enjoy the privilege of living in the freedom of his love forevermore. When life seems chaotic, when things seem not to cohere, great comfort may be found in remembering Jesus’ own experience at the end of his life. Though humans plotted against him and succeeded in executing their plan, nevertheless they could not thwart the plan of God. What comfort there is in knowing that nothing can interfere with the plan of him who is in control! He is at work in all the particulars for his good purposes. By looking to Jesus, particularly his death for us, we discover what is central to God’s plan for us: through Jesus’ death we find life, through his blood shed for us, we experience the exodus from enslaving sin and the freedom of living in his love. Prayer Gracious Father, thank you for being in control of our lives, especially when we feel desperately out of control. Center us in the one who is central to your plan for the ages. Enable us, Holy Spirit, to trust in Christ that we might experience the true Exodus. And having experienced the forgiveness of sin, may we live daily in the freedom of your love, wholeheartedly devoted to you. In Christ’s Name, Amen. Copyright (c) 2012 by Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
יום 36יום 38

על התכנית הזו

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional

מה היא תקופת צום, התענית? זה הזמן שבו אנו צופים לניצחון של אור וחיים של ישוע על החושך של החטא ועל המוות. כשנצא למסע של יום רביעי "אפר הפסחא", אנחנו נזכרים במציאות של חולשתינו וגאולת החסד של אלוהים.

דברי הגות אלה נכתבו על ידי הצוות של הקהילה "Redeemer Presbyterian," פורסם במקור ב-www.redeemer.com בשנת 2012. בהסכמה מבעל הרשאה.

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