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Mishlei (Pro) 21

1The king’s heart in Adonai’s hand is like streams of water —
he directs it wherever he pleases.
2All a person’s ways are right in his own view,
but Adonai weighs the heart.
3To do what is right and just
is more pleasing to Adonai than sacrifice.
4Haughty looks, a proud heart —
what the wicked plow is sin.
5The plans of the diligent lead only to abundance;
but all who rush in arrive only at want.
6A fortune gained by a lying tongue
is vapor dispersed [by] seekers of death.
7The violence of the wicked will sweep them away,
because they refuse to act justly.
8A criminal’s conduct is crooked,
but the work of the pure is right.
9It is better to live on a corner of the roof
than to share the house with a nagging wife.
10The wicked is set on evil;
he doesn’t pity even his neighbor.
11When a scorner is punished, the simple become wiser;
and when the wise is instructed, he takes hold of knowledge.
12The Righteous One observes the house of the wicked;
he overthrows the wicked to their ruin.
13Whoever stops up his ears at the cry of the poor
will himself cry, but not be answered.
14A secret gift allays anger,
and a bribe under the cloak the strongest fury.
15Acting justly is a joy for the righteous
but it terrifies evildoers.
16The person who strays from the way of common sense
will come to rest in the company of the dead.
17Pleasure-lovers will suffer want;
he who loves wine and oil won’t get rich.
18The wicked serve as a ransom for the righteous,
and likewise the perfidious for the upright.
19It is better to live in the desert
than with a nagging, irritable wife.
20In the home of the wise are fine treasures and oil,
but a fool quickly devours it.
21He who pursues righteousness and kindness
finds life, prosperity and honor.
22A wise man can go up into a city of warriors
and undermine the strength in which it trusts.
23Whoever guards his mouth and tongue
keeps himself out of trouble.
24“Scoffer” is what you call a proud, insolent person
who acts with overweening conceit.
25A lazy man’s craving will kill him,
because his hands refuse to work —
26he covets greedily all day long;
but a righteous person gives without holding back.
27The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination;
how much more when he brings it with vile motives.
28A lying witness is doomed,
but one who heard [what was said] will testify successfully.
29A wicked man puts on a bold face,
whereas the upright prepares his ways.
30No wisdom, discernment or counsel
succeeds against Adonai.
31A horse may be prepared for the day of battle,
but victory comes from Adonai.

Actualmente seleccionado:

Mishlei (Pro) 21: CJB





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