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Otuho language

The In Otuho language is also called Lotuho or Latuka. It is spoken in the Eastern Equatoria area of South Sudan.

Otuho New Testament

The Gospel of Mark in Otuho was first translated by Martha Hughell of the Africa Inland Mission (AIM), assisted by four Sudanese. It was published in the Belgian Congo in 1954. The Gospel of John in Otuho was translated by Martha Hughell and published in 1957. The full New Testament in Otuho called Ecorit Aŋejuk was translated by Martha Hughell and Barbara Battye assisted by Maryo Acca. It was published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in Sudan in 1969.


Ecorit Aŋejuk, inyi abuk enne ikiana eram ono Yesu Kristo. Aŋati Bibia ania ninyia igieri ihalu ittuna Yesu ifau dini. Ikiana inyi eram ono ecorit ninyia ihan Hollum jio aati honyi. Ecorit ania, inyi eram ono Asayyo Ayijok huno Hollum hunno ocorok inyi italahuniere atulo 'daŋ elle iruk 'to jio ara Yesu Kristo a Lamonye buo fe a Hetalahani. Obeŋ Ecorit Aŋejuk iramak ijiai eram Yesu jio aati; ati, awak inyi jio oŋida ehianak Sayyo hunia itterie amanya anna ara 'to aŋejuk, te eyihina jio Yesu Kristo.

Owoni abuhi 27 jio Ecorit Aŋejuk. Iyaru nyia ihuo aŋasi atomuana miyet igeriere abuhi hunia. Duadi bu owoni ekenita gele gele jio abuhi hunia, owon eram abotie onno odulo 'to jio abuhi hunia 'daŋ inyi — abuaran taji Hollum atulo 'daŋ, enne italeyehini tottolo Yesu Kristo linyia ara 'to atulo.

Ikianai Asayo ayijok hunne igioroni bo Matteyo iko Marko, Luka buo Yoane eram ono amanya, ettiyenio, nayye buo ebuhuna ono Yesu. Buo abuk ono Ehanita Lefahat ijifak jio abuhi hunia. Ikiana abuk ania eram ono esarara Sayyo Ayijok to Yerusalem many Roma jio aŋasi atomuana hunihoi. Teya, ette awaragaa Paulo ijifana. Igiorok nyia inyi isi jio eluluŋi heruhok gele gele iko jio omuk aati eram ono ewahiti iko eram ono ettegimita hunyia owoni 'to jihosi. Attati tibuo awaragaa huna huttohunik, huno egiorok hullomuk, ijifana. Igioroni nyia isi jio eluluŋi heruhok 'daŋ iramaniere isi erre fe 'daŋ hunno osiruni 'to jio eruhok; buo awaragaa hunnomuk, osulani jio omuk eluluŋi heruhok iko jio lomuk eruhok. Abuk onno Etaleyehino ara esidi buk jio abuhi huno Ecorit Aŋejuk. Ikiana inyi eram ono aleyehino anna ara 'to ihuo arigiai iko ta arijorita itahutaniere elohittok Kristo iko agalihina onno olo Olobie Hollum iyaŋuno. Eram luŋa onno owon 'to jio abuk ana buo fe ara awoyo hiram ono Ecorit Aŋejuk inyi enne ihumi pulonia jio: “Owon agolon enne ilohittohorik jio afau ana jio Lamonye hohoi iko jio Olonyimoto Honyi, odulo adi inyi elohittok 'tulaŋ mak.”

Inyinyiahi Ecorit Aŋejuk ana jio eruhok hulo Eklesia hunno owoni 'to imisihi Otuho, agalik tibuo eruhok hutte ekelesia Katolik, African Inland Church (A.I.C) buo Episcopal Church (E.C.S), nyio, eklesia hunia iko Bible Society of Sudan (B.S.S) nyia iwahuni eram inyinyiahiere Ecorit Aŋejuk ninyia igieri ihiŋa 1969.

Jio Ecorit Aŋejuk ana, owoni erre arriai hunne igioroni ihumari itabisaniere inyi ati obeŋi nyia isi jio Ecorit Aŋejuk ono Otuho ninyia igieri berien. Owoni abuhi iko awaragaa hutto Ecorit Aŋejuk ana iko “Eŋati” — ekenita hunne itahutanierek erre hunno owoni 'to jihosi. Huna egierita hunna arai 'to aŋejuho jio ecorit ana: Itahutak ekudit ana [•] jio, obeni ekorita hunno okudanie 'to owoni jio egierita eberien huno Asayyo Ayijok huno Ecorit Aŋejuk. Owoni buo fe Abuhi hutto Ecorit Aŋejuk ana iko Eŋati hunne itahutani 'to ekenita hunno owoni 'to jio abuhi hunia 'daŋ gele gele. Owoni buo fe omuk egierita jio Ecorit Aŋejuk ana hunne itterie to (he) buo osufani ihide (he) eetahi hulo attanyi orruaŋai (\) itahutaniere jio, owoni ekenita hunia iko awoi hirre arrihai hunna abahasai. Egierita hunyia owoni 'to iko (w) imaji (u) ihuo odwa, ihuania igioroni odua, buo fe hunyia owoni iko (y) imaji (i) ihuo ilyaha ihuania, igioroni iliaha. Owon buo fe Ecorit ana aŋati ono ekenita hunno obeŋi jio ekiana Otuho. Owoni buo fe arrijorita arriai jio Ecorit ana itahutaniere afacieni hirre hunno obeŋi'to owoni ifau Otuho.

Digital Edition

The 1969 New Testament was digtised with the help of MissionAssist in 2020. 

British & Foreign Bible Society


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