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Saturday Apr 11, Sunday Apr 12, 2020 - Part 4

Locations & Times

The Roads Church - NC

583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Saturday 7:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Sunday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:00 PM

People of Israel:
1) God had prepared a “Promised Land” for them
2) They had to go up and take possession
3) They would have to overcome giant opposition in the process
People today:
1) God has prepared an inheritance (Promises) for us
- Person He wants us to be, life He wants us to experience
People today:
1) God has prepared an inheritance (Promises) for us
2) We will have to go up and take possession of it
- It is God’s will for us to have it but it is going to require our faith and agreement for us to possess it. Require action on our part
Take Possession - yarash - To occupy by driving out previous tenants and possessing in their place.

Take Possession - Lexham Theological Workbook - The subject of this action is always a human being.
Partakers - koinonos - One who participates and partners with another, receives and/or gives a share
People today:
1) God has prepared an inheritance (Promises) for us
2) We will have to go up and take possession of it
3) We will have to OVERCOME giant opposition in the process
- We are not going to experience what God has for us without facing resistance, opposition and adversity.
We are well able - yakol - We have the ability, the power, the might to endure and prevail.
Tribulation - thlipsis - Pressure, trouble, affliction, distress, hardship
Be of good cheer - tharseo - Confidence, assurance, courageous, bold; firmness of purpose in the face of danger or testing

Overcome - nikao - Subdue, conquer, overcome, prevail; Win a victory over!
Jesus had Power to OVERCOME 3 types of tests in the world:

1) SUBMISSION TEST - Power to look up

Jesus had Power to OVERCOME 3 types of tests in the world:

1) Submission Test - Power to look up
2) OPPOSITION TEST - Power to Stand up against Opposition

Jesus had Power to OVERCOME 3 types of tests in the world:

1) Submission Test - Power to look up
2) Opposition Test - Power to Stand up against opposition
Through Jesus we have overcoming power!

1) God has prepared His promises for us (promised land)
- The person He created us to be and the life He wants us to experience.

2) We will have to go up and take possession
- It is God’s will for us to have it but it is going to require our faith and agreement for us to possess it.

3) We will have to overcome giant opposition in the process
- We are not going to experience what God has for us without facing resistance, opposition and adversity.

1) Look up out of submission to God
2) Stand up against the opposition of the enemy
3) Rise up out of seemingly dead and hopeless situations