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Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly보기

Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly

26 중 5 일째

In today's verses, we can see how far Israel had strayed from God. Micah 2:8 says, “My people have risen up as an enemy.” They were unrepentant from their sins and had become enemies of God. There were false prophets among the people who tried to silence God's prophets. For these false prophets, being God's special people was enough. They didn't need to repent from their sins because, they argued, God wouldn't allow such harsh judgment upon them. Their message was false but sweeter to the ears of the sinful who wanted to silence Micah. Micah responds, stating that the Word of God does good to those who walk uprightly. Sometimes we want to close our ears to the Truth of God, maybe when we read a verse that shows us a sin that we don't want to repent from, or when it points out something or someone who is taking us away from God. Or maybe when, after a sermon or a conversation with a godly person, we are certain there is something we have to stop doing. We shut our ears off. We don't want to hear. Let‘s be very careful to intentionally listen for what God is saying to us. Dear Father, please open my eyes and my ears to Your Truth. I want to be sensitive to Your guiding and be willing to change anything in my life that may be taking me far from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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묵상 소개

Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly

We are surrounded by injustice and pain. We see it not only in our world but also in our own lives and it can be disheartening and overwhelming. But we are not without hope. This is what Micah is all about. He is not afr...


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