Read God's Word with Bible App

Take God’s Word with you wherever you go by downloading the free Bible App. Listen to audio Bibles, create Prayers, study with Friends, and much more—all for free. Choose from more than 2,400 Bible versions in over 1,600 languages on your computer, phone, or tablet.

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NdineShoko nguva dzose.

Ndaisa bookmark pandima dzakandikoshera. Uyewo ndaverenga zvose mugore rimwe chete. Ninotenda nechirongwa chekuverenga ichi.

Yambiro ikuru yevamwe

Ndinofarira kuti unokwanisa kubatana neshamwari uye zvirongwa zvekuverenga zvakanaka chaizvo. App inondibatsira kuti ndirambe ndichiverenga nekuti inondiyeuchidza zviverengo zvangu. Inondipawo imwe nzira yekuuya pedyo naMwari. Tora app iyi uverenge mazuva ose!

App inoshamisa.

Chirongwa chakanakisa chinemaBhaibheri akawanda akasiyana-siyana ekusarudza. ... MaBhaibheri ekuteerera anoshamisa uye arinyore kunzwisisa.

Ndizvo! Inoramba ichinatsa!

Pane madomo nemitauro yakawanda, inokwanisawo kutorwa ichivengwa pasina Internet. Ine zvinhu zvakawanda zvinobatsira kuverenga sezvimakwa nezvinyorwa.

App yeBhaibheri inoopfuura amwe ese!

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Mavhezheni akawanda nekuverenga pasina Internet!

Great because there are many different versions and I could download multiple versions for offline reading. I'm able to listen to this app.

App yemandorokwati!

Inondibatsira kupamhidza kuverenga Bhaibheri Ndinofarira kuti inondibatsira kutsvaga nekutaurira vamwe nenzira dzakasiyana siyana. Ndinofarira mavhezheni andinokwanisa kuteerera.

App yemandorokwati

App yakanaka chaizvo pakubatsira kudzidza Bhaibheri nemavhezheni akawanda. Inobatsirawo kuti unokwanisa kuteerera Bhaiberi uchityaira mota.

Iyi ndiyo app inopfuura mamwe ese!

Iyi ndiyo app yeBhaibheri inopfuura mamwe ese. Ine Shoko Dzvene mumitauro nemavhezheni akasiyana siyana. Inokwanisa kushandiswa pane Internet kana pasina. Ine zvinyorwa pamusoro penhauro dzakawanda chaizvo. Unokwanisa kuona zvirikuitwa nevamwe nezvirikutaurirwa vamwe kuti urambe uchidzidza Shoko raMwari.

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