A diverse community of Messianic Jewish and Christian scholars collaborated to produce The Tree of Life Messianic Family Bible-The New Covenant. Messianic rabbis, leaders, scholars, artists, professors, psalmists, linguists, writers, parents, and children came together to work on this groundbreaking version that is meant for the entire family to read and enjoy together. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are those who hold her fast (Proverbs 3:18). If you are a Jew who is curious about Messiah, this book will help you, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, to see how Yeshua became the Prophet, like Moses, full of glory, grace, and truth. Compare what the New Covenant says with what the Hebrew Bible says-the footnotes point the way for you. Many modern-day Christians recognize the value of rediscovering the Jewish roots of their faith, and Messianic Jews are growing in numbers and scholarship. The middle wall of partition is crumbling, and unity is being restored, teaching that diversity is strength.

Tree of Life Bible Society

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