Bible Center Church
Relationship Goals, Part 4
Pursue Peace - Fourth in a 6-part series titled: Relationship Goals: God’s Design for Friendship, Dating, Marriage & Sex | Pastor Matt Friend | 03.17.19
Locations & Times
  • 100 Bible Center Dr, Charleston, WV 25309, USA
    Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM
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TIP: Tap on any Scripture to highlight it in your Bible app.
Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional. - Max Lucado
Six Steps for Turning Conflict into Peace

1. Realize all conflict arises from unmet expectations. (5:2-6)
Six Steps for Turning Conflict into Peace

2. Allow time and space for God to change everyone’s heart. (5:6-16)
Six Steps for Turning Conflict into Peace

3. Reach out and try reconciling as soon as possible. (5:6; 6:1-3)
Six Steps for Turning Conflict into Peace

4. Stop, communicate, and listen. (6:4-12)
Six Steps for Turning Conflict into Peace

5. Forgive and “remember to forget” as soon as possible. (6:4-12)
Six Steps for Turning Conflict into Peace

6. Fight for a new normal. Start a new “dance.” (6:13)
Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.

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