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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Locations & Times

Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Romans 6:11-14
“The Keys To Growth”

1. We were engrafted into Christ: The Old Man (all that I was in Adam) was crucified in order
that the body of sin may no longer have a controlling hold on me. Dead becomes a key. Know
this I don’t have to yield to sin. Because of my identification with Christ I have new power.
Before Christ I followed my desires. After Christ there is not only a new desire, but a new
2. Too many Christians sprout up for a period of time and then stop growing. It is easy to do.
3. How can we keep on growing?
4. Romans 6:11-14 three keys that are essential to keep on growing:

How can we keep on growing?
I. WE MUST REALIZE 6:10,11,13
A. Our Position
1. Know…The key to living the Christian life is know that God has taken us out of
Adam and united us with Jesus Christ.
2. The living God is implanted in us and we in Him…that we are no longer under the
domination of sin and death.
3. We have been translated into a brand-new kingdom. Death to sin does not mean we
are immune to sin. We are dead to the old man. We can’t go back to all that he was
(2,3,4,5,6,7) This is something that happened whether you feel it or not. We are
vitally connected to the greatest power in the world! You are dead! We are alive
unto God!
B. Our Priority 10,11,13
Unto God…stop living unto and for yourself! Look at the diagram: S self is in the center.
We live unto ourselves and not unto God. As we look at the diagram from the beginning
we have a ‘me’ oriented salvation. From God’s standpoint it is a finished work. It is not
finished in us until we allow its truth to operate in our lives.
1.We are no longer ‘in Adam’ drawing from him as our life-source. In Christ…He is our new life source. E are to receive everything that is ‘of Christ’.
2.Know… Reckon… Yield…Obey “It just hasn’t brought me the victory that I desire.”
Note the words just expressed. We are concerned about us not Him! If we could we would use the cross for our ends to benefit us…ME! Here is the source of our trouble: The cross is not the threshold to selfish attainment, but an end to selfishness! The cross is designed to bring us totally to Him.
3.We camp around that SELF Center…what can God do for me? Hidden behind most begging and pleading for God to give us victory is the secret concern for ourselves.
*KEY: I become alive unto God…Living unto God. Christ takes over the center. When we seek Him first…everything will be added!
*As long as there is no changing of the center of my life from SELF to CHRIST, there can be no real growth.
*The first step in being transplanted is to move from a self-centered existence to a Christ centered existence. It is the opposite of our SELF-centered world: “Discover yourself” … “Cultivate yourself” … “Express yourself” … “Live for yourself” For a while this emphasis works. It is a shot in the arm. It is a positive assertion away from negativism. It soon withers. You must turn to a ‘new’ SELF discovery…only to ultimately be disappointed.
*Only as our roots go down into Him and draw life from Him can there be expansion in our heart.

How can we keep on growing?
We are asked to do something.
A.Sins Ruin 11
1.Even though the old man is crucified. Sin is a reality. We still have an unredeemed soul and an unredeemed body called the body of sin (6) …body of sin (12)…Members, yourselves (13) There will be a struggle!
2.Reckon is a key word in Romans. It is used 19 times. 11 times in chapter 4. It is a banking term… ‘put to one’s account’ It has to do with reality, a thing being true. “I reckon I have $100 in my passbook.” I must really have $100.
3.Reckon…dead to sin. Draw on that account. This is the negative side. I say, “No to sin.” I flee. I run. I can refuse sins invitation! Make no provisions to the flesh!
4.Reckon…alive unto God. Reckon it. Bring God into everyday situations. Relate God to daily situations!
B.Sins Reign 12
1.This comes through our lusts…our desires.
2.You can’t go by your feelings. Your feeler (emotions) are unreliable. It takes TRUTH. God’s Word must be our authority.

How can we keep on growing?
This is a practical how to keep from being controlled by desire. It is a practical ‘how to’.
A.The Surrender 13
1.We must have our full consent to displace our natural SELF with the person of Christ.
*SELF leads to sin. Members: eye gate…tv, social media, I Phone, I Pad, Netflix, etc. Ear gate…friends, music you listen to, texting,
*SPIRIT leads unto righteousness. What is used? The same instrument that leads to sin. Members: what comes into your eye gate can be positive and right. Ear gate…be careful what you listen to…it can be right!
2. KEY: Yield…Absolute Surrender. We are life long SELFERS. Look at the back
of the sheet. Until you are willing to surrender absolutely you will never get out
of the rut of defeat. You will never get planted!
B.The Sufficiency 14
1.I don’t get discouraged…sin shall not have dominion over you.
2.We don’t live by doing something for God…Law or Self effort. It’s not our strength. Grace…God does it. God will do it. Draw from His Grace! He is waiting for us to come to the end of ourselves. At the moment we do…Grace!
3.We need it every day! God’s Riches: His adequacy for my inadequacy. His ability for my inability. His sufficiency for my insufficiency. His surplus for my lack.
4.It’s not just dying grace…but grace to live! Whatever the task…Whatever the test…I DESPERATELY NEED HIM!

Are you a soy bean in a Mason jar…living for yourself…unto yourself…you will soon wither!

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