South Baptist Church

Sunday at South (2)
Sunday's 10:30 service sermon notes.
Locations & Times
South Baptist Church
4091 Van Slyke Rd, Flint, MI 48507, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to South! We're glad you joined us today! Below you will find some sermon notes and Bible passages, to help you follow along with Pastor Scott's message in a series entitled "Prayers of Paul". We hope you will be encouraged by what is taught today.
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These were prayers Paul prayed while in prison for his faith in and testimony for Christ. One of the things that you will notice as you read through these different prison prayers of Paul’s is that they all emphasized the SPIRITUAL rather than the PHYSICAL. Having first-hand knowledge of the spiritual challenges that come with being persecuted for your faith, Paul used his prayer life to pray for what he knew other followers of Christ would need when the time of persecution would come in their lives.
These were prayers Paul prayed while in prison for his faith in and testimony for Christ. One of the things that you will notice as you read through these different prison prayers of Paul’s is that they all emphasized the SPIRITUAL rather than the PHYSICAL. Having first-hand knowledge of the spiritual challenges that come with being persecuted for your faith, Paul used his prayer life to pray for what he knew other followers of Christ would need when the time of persecution would come in their lives.
Paul had been given a report from Epaphras regarding two things: The dangerous heresy making its way through the city of Colossae, and the ongoing love in the Spirit of these Colossian believers. Despite the heresy that was threatening these believers and the church, the Colossians continued to express a deep, genuine love for God and for one another that originated from the Holy Spirit. However, recognizing the danger that this heresy that was embracing elements of Jewish ceremonialism could have on this love in the Spirit that these believers had, Paul shared with them his resolve regarding his prayer for them. He said that he did not cease to pray for them.He was very resolved when it came to this matter.
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