Crossview Church

The Way of a Christ-Centered Person - Part 2
Dan DeRoche | Mark 2:13-17
Locations & Times
Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Service Replays, Sermons, Facebook Live, YouTube“I live in a vacuum that is as lonely as a radio tube when the batteries are dead, and there is no electric current to plug into.”
-Ernest Hemingway
-Ernest Hemingway
According to Jesus this is true Christianity:
· Deny yourself – Christ and others before yourself
· Take up your cross – A surrendered heart and self-will
· Follow me
· Deny yourself – Christ and others before yourself
· Take up your cross – A surrendered heart and self-will
· Follow me
Following Jesus means keeping Jesus at the center of your life
How do we follow Jesus today?
"Biblical Christianity is when our lives have Jesus at the center."
~ Dr. Paul Hiebert
~ Dr. Paul Hiebert
As we keep Jesus at the center, He will impact the world through us.
“Consider how precious a soul must be if God and the devil are both after it.”
~Charles Spurgeon
~Charles Spurgeon
According to Jesus this is true Christianity:
· Deny yourself – Christ and others before yourself
· Take up your cross – A surrendered heart and self-will
· Follow me - Keeping Jesus at the center of your life
· Deny yourself – Christ and others before yourself
· Take up your cross – A surrendered heart and self-will
· Follow me - Keeping Jesus at the center of your life
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