West End Baptist Church

Dependence: Becoming a Prayer Warrior
Locations & Times
West End Baptist Church
123 Arlington Ave, Greenville, SC 29601, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
D-Now (Discipleship-Now) Youth Weekend! Friday, January 31- Sunday, February 2nd, a team of Anderson University students will lead our youth (6th-12th grade) in a weekend of Bible study, recreation, fun, food, and fellowship! Any youth is welcome to participate, so invite your family and friends. For more details or to RSVP, please contact Sharon Bannister by January 26th. If you would like to volunteer (chaperone, food service, driving, etc.) please let Sharon know as soon as possible. Friday 5:00 - 8:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Sunday school and worship service as usual.
w|e Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study will meet next Sunday, January 26th at 6:00 p.m. here at the church, to study the gospel of John. Men, bring your friends and neighbors! See Jim Whitworth or Art Ramirez for more information.
w|e Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study will meet next Sunday, January 26th at 6:00 p.m. here at the church, to study the gospel of John. Men, bring your friends and neighbors! See Jim Whitworth or Art Ramirez for more information.

Calendar of Activities
Sunday, January 19
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Chili Cook-off Family Lunch
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
Wednesday, January 22
6:30 pm Bible Recap Group
Thursday, January 23
2:00 pm Swansgate Bible Study
Sunday, January 26
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
6:00 pm WE Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Chili Cook-off Family Lunch
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
Wednesday, January 22
6:30 pm Bible Recap Group
Thursday, January 23
2:00 pm Swansgate Bible Study
Sunday, January 26
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
6:00 pm WE Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study
1. I depend on You.
2. I struggle on ___________________.
3. Praying for maturity: __________________________.
Home Group/Study Questions
These questions are provided for your further study and application of today’s sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these questions will help to drive home the truths we are learning.
1. Was there any passage of scripture or statement in the message today that was particularly meaningful or applicable to you?
2. Take a few minutes to assess your prayer life. What deficiencies come to mind (especially in light of this Sundayʼs message)? How much of your prayer time is spent praying for fellow believers compared to praying for temporal needs? Both are important, but which consumes most of your intercessory prayer time?
3. Do you have a written list of people for whom you pray? If not, make one that you can keep handy. If you already have one, how often do you use it? How could you make a prayer list a more frequently used tool?
4. There is always a direct correlation between knowing God's Word and God's will. Based on today's text, write out a specific prayer for someone to know God's will and God's ways through His Word. Share it with the group, or with the person you are praying for.
These questions are provided for your further study and application of today’s sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these questions will help to drive home the truths we are learning.
1. Was there any passage of scripture or statement in the message today that was particularly meaningful or applicable to you?
2. Take a few minutes to assess your prayer life. What deficiencies come to mind (especially in light of this Sundayʼs message)? How much of your prayer time is spent praying for fellow believers compared to praying for temporal needs? Both are important, but which consumes most of your intercessory prayer time?
3. Do you have a written list of people for whom you pray? If not, make one that you can keep handy. If you already have one, how often do you use it? How could you make a prayer list a more frequently used tool?
4. There is always a direct correlation between knowing God's Word and God's will. Based on today's text, write out a specific prayer for someone to know God's will and God's ways through His Word. Share it with the group, or with the person you are praying for.
Giving Online
Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 3:10)
We thank those who have helped us fulfill our mission and vision, and we ask you to pray that all of the giving to West End Baptist Church would be used to glorify God in carrying out His will as Scripture instructs and the Holy Spirit leads.