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CrossPoint Church Sunday
There is an apparent brokenness in humanity. We see it in our world. We see it in ourselves. The good news is that God cares and has done something to fix all that is broken. This good news is captured in the gospel, and Romans is the clearest, most in-depth explanation of the gospel in all Scripture. Through this letter, we see how the power that resurrected Jesus enters our lives by faith to reconcile our relationship with God, set us free from dead-end ways of living, and heal the broken parts of us.
Locations & Times
CrossPoint Church
1215 Roberts Rd SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Let us know you joined in today and how we can be praying for you.'s Message: Romans: Life in the Spirit
Scripture: Romans 8:5-17
If you are in Christ, you have the Spirit living in you, and if you have the Spirit, everything that is said here about the person who has the Spirit is true about you.
(v. 9)
Let the Spirit cook!
The Contrast between life in the flesh and life in the Spirit
The Flesh
1) Thoughts are fixed on their sinful desires (v. 5)
2) The fulfillment of those desires brings death (v. 6)
3) Hostile to God (v. 7)
4) Won’t and can’t submit to God (v. 7)
5) Can’t please God. (v. 8)
6) Sin ends one’s life (v. 10)
The Spirit
1) Thoughts are fixed on what the Spirit desires (v. 5)
2) The fulfillment of those desires brings life & peace (v. 6)
3) Righteousness extends one’s life (v. 10-11)
4) You’re an adopted child of God (v. 14-15)
5) You don’t need to live in fear of God (v. 16)
6) You’re an heir of God and co-heirs with Christ (v. 17)
Scripture: Romans 8:5-17
If you are in Christ, you have the Spirit living in you, and if you have the Spirit, everything that is said here about the person who has the Spirit is true about you.
(v. 9)
Let the Spirit cook!
The Contrast between life in the flesh and life in the Spirit
The Flesh
1) Thoughts are fixed on their sinful desires (v. 5)
2) The fulfillment of those desires brings death (v. 6)
3) Hostile to God (v. 7)
4) Won’t and can’t submit to God (v. 7)
5) Can’t please God. (v. 8)
6) Sin ends one’s life (v. 10)
The Spirit
1) Thoughts are fixed on what the Spirit desires (v. 5)
2) The fulfillment of those desires brings life & peace (v. 6)
3) Righteousness extends one’s life (v. 10-11)
4) You’re an adopted child of God (v. 14-15)
5) You don’t need to live in fear of God (v. 16)
6) You’re an heir of God and co-heirs with Christ (v. 17)
Discussion Guide
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