West End Baptist Church

Introduction to Colossians, Part 2
Locations & Times
West End Baptist Church
123 Arlington Ave, Greenville, SC 29601, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Ladies Bible Study: beginning January 13th at 6:30 p.m. here at WEBC. We’ll be using Paul Tripp’s Everyday Gospel for our study. See Loretta Stephens or call the church office for more information. Women of all ages are welcome!
WEBC Chili Cook-off Family Lunch! Sunday, January 19th after worship service - sign up to bring a pot of chili - or if you don’t do chili, you can bring some dessert to share, or just come and eat! Sign up today!
WEBC Chili Cook-off Family Lunch! Sunday, January 19th after worship service - sign up to bring a pot of chili - or if you don’t do chili, you can bring some dessert to share, or just come and eat! Sign up today!

Calendar of Activities
Sunday, January 12
9:00 am FAMILY MEETING (Children in their classes)
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
6:00 pm WE Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study
Monday, January 13
6:00 pm Leadership Team Meeting
6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday, January 15
6:30 pm Bible Recap Group
6:30 pm Price Small Group
Thursday, January 16
2:00 pm Swansgate Bible Study
Sunday, January 19
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Chili Cook-off Family Lunch
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
9:00 am FAMILY MEETING (Children in their classes)
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
6:00 pm WE Neighborhood Men’s Bible Study
Monday, January 13
6:00 pm Leadership Team Meeting
6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday, January 15
6:30 pm Bible Recap Group
6:30 pm Price Small Group
Thursday, January 16
2:00 pm Swansgate Bible Study
Sunday, January 19
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
9:00 am Children & Adult Classes
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:30 am Worship Service
12:00 pm Chili Cook-off Family Lunch
5:30 pm Foster Home Group
1. They encountered a great __________________________________.
2. They experience a great _____________________________.
3. They demonstrate a great __________________________.
4. They hope in a great ______________________________.
5. They produce great ____________________________.
Home Group/Study Questions
These questions are provided for your further study and application of today’s sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these questions will help to drive home the truths we are learning.
1. Was there any passage of scripture or statement in the message today that was particularly meaningful or applicable to you?
2. When did you first hear the Gospel, and in what setting? How did you respond initially? Describe in a sentence what your faith in Christ Jesus is like today.
3. How is your “resting on him” today? As a believer are you trusting in Him now?
4. As best you can (based on your knowledge of what the Bible teaches) describe something of what your life will be like two thousand years from now.
5. How often do you think about heaven, about the place God has prepared for you? How does the confident expectation of heaven impact how you face life today?
6. How are you sharing the gospel with others? What opportunities have you taken since Christmas to talk with someone about Jesus? How can you step into the opportunities God provides?
These questions are provided for your further study and application of today’s sermon. Thoughtfully writing out the answers to these questions will help to drive home the truths we are learning.
1. Was there any passage of scripture or statement in the message today that was particularly meaningful or applicable to you?
2. When did you first hear the Gospel, and in what setting? How did you respond initially? Describe in a sentence what your faith in Christ Jesus is like today.
3. How is your “resting on him” today? As a believer are you trusting in Him now?
4. As best you can (based on your knowledge of what the Bible teaches) describe something of what your life will be like two thousand years from now.
5. How often do you think about heaven, about the place God has prepared for you? How does the confident expectation of heaven impact how you face life today?
6. How are you sharing the gospel with others? What opportunities have you taken since Christmas to talk with someone about Jesus? How can you step into the opportunities God provides?
Giving Online
Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 3:10)
We thank those who have helped us fulfill our mission and vision, and we ask you to pray that all of the giving to West End Baptist Church would be used to glorify God in carrying out His will as Scripture instructs and the Holy Spirit leads.