Bethany Church

Praying with Confidence
Locations & Times
Bethany Church
6601 Alderson St, Weston, WI 54476, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
1.God loves his children (John 11:3, 36; Isaiah 49:15; 1 John 5:13)
a.We have confidence that He loves us
b.God loves to hear from his children. (John 11:7-8; 1 John 4:19, 1 John 5:15)
c.We can share anything with God (John 11:21, 32; 1 John 5:14)
2.Pray according to God’s will to be heard (John 11:22-26; 1 John 5:14)
a.We have confidence He will respond
b.God’s will is found in the Word of God (Psalm 119:105; Job 23:12; Psalm 40:8; Jeremiah 15:16; John 17:17; Matthew 4:4)
c.Start by asking God to help you love Him more (Matthew 22:37)
d.Second, ask God to help you love others (Matthew 22:39)
3.Know and act like Jesus to pray beyond His written Word (Philippians 2:5)
Pray confidently: God’s desire is for us to believe in Him. (John 11:40-42)
Next Steps:
1.Remind yourself how much God loves you.
2.Pray God’s will, based on God’s Word
3.Imitate Jesus, to discern His will
Verse of the Week:
1 John 5:14
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. Classes and Studies
--Men’s Groups: 6pm on Mondays or 7am on Tuesdays.
--Women’s group at 6:30pm on Tuesdays STARTS TONIGHT!
--Daily Scripture readings on prayer. Pick up a printed packet at Bethany or text the word “Bible” to 715-354-0919 to get daily Scripture texts and questions sent to your mobile phone. These scriptures lead up to Sunday's message. A printable version is also available on our website or attached below!
NEW STUDY ON PURITY: Men are invited to join Tuesdays, 6PM, starting Jan. 28. in the ministry office. Contact Ben 715-715-846-2514.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Wed., February 12. If you are interested in learning more about Bethany please contact Pastor Joe.
NEW STUDY: A WALK IN THE WORD: is starting the book of Judges on Jan. 27, Mondays at 6:30 PM. Join Online from our MINISTRIES>ADULT page. Contact: Susan 715-355-7769
--Men’s Groups: 6pm on Mondays or 7am on Tuesdays.
--Women’s group at 6:30pm on Tuesdays STARTS TONIGHT!
--Daily Scripture readings on prayer. Pick up a printed packet at Bethany or text the word “Bible” to 715-354-0919 to get daily Scripture texts and questions sent to your mobile phone. These scriptures lead up to Sunday's message. A printable version is also available on our website or attached below!
NEW STUDY ON PURITY: Men are invited to join Tuesdays, 6PM, starting Jan. 28. in the ministry office. Contact Ben 715-715-846-2514.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Wed., February 12. If you are interested in learning more about Bethany please contact Pastor Joe.
NEW STUDY: A WALK IN THE WORD: is starting the book of Judges on Jan. 27, Mondays at 6:30 PM. Join Online from our MINISTRIES>ADULT page. Contact: Susan 715-355-7769
--EMT Equipping Moms with Truth: Jan 16 Meal: Soup and Salad, Topic: Contentment
---Works in Progress: Saturday, Jan. 18, 9:30-NOON. Anyone 13+ is welcome to bring a project to work on without distractions from home. Enjoy fellowship with like-minded crafters. Contact: Susan 715-355-7769
---Works in Progress: Saturday, Jan. 18, 9:30-NOON. Anyone 13+ is welcome to bring a project to work on without distractions from home. Enjoy fellowship with like-minded crafters. Contact: Susan 715-355-7769
Registry for Bridal Shower
--Bridal Shower for Jessica Brzezinski, Sat. Jan 25, 1-3PM REGRETS
The No Regrets Men's Conference will be simulcast on Saturday, February 1 at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. Doors will open at 7:15 am. Program will start at 8:00 am and end by 1:00 pm. Registration is free and coffee, snacks & lunch will be provided. A free will offering will be taken to benefit Bridge Street Mission and Gospel TLC. Register