St. Andrew's United Methodist Church

2025 Initiatives Sunday | Week 1
Following God in a Changing World | Rev. Jayne Rideout
Locations & Times
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
3315 S Bryan Rd, Brandon, FL 33511, USA
Sunday 8:15 AM
Sunday 9:45 AM
Sunday 11:15 AM
Sermon Overview
This week we will reintroduce our four Initiatives for 2025, encouraging those who worship at St. Andrew’s to find a place to serve either on one of these initiative committees or finding a ministry at the Ministry Fair on January 26. Our vision for 2025 says we are Following God in a Changing World. We feel inspired by God to meet the following needs. Helping families with kids with special needs and giving better support to Residing Hope who ministers to youth at risk. Reaching out to our community with words of hope and working to grow through discipleship. We believe God will guide us through these initiatives in 2025 so that St. Andrew’s can reach more people with the love of Jesus Christ.
This week we will reintroduce our four Initiatives for 2025, encouraging those who worship at St. Andrew’s to find a place to serve either on one of these initiative committees or finding a ministry at the Ministry Fair on January 26. Our vision for 2025 says we are Following God in a Changing World. We feel inspired by God to meet the following needs. Helping families with kids with special needs and giving better support to Residing Hope who ministers to youth at risk. Reaching out to our community with words of hope and working to grow through discipleship. We believe God will guide us through these initiatives in 2025 so that St. Andrew’s can reach more people with the love of Jesus Christ.
Traditional Worship | 8:15 a.m.
Welcome & Announcements
Greet Time
Opening Hymn: #139 vs. 1,2,5 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Modern Creed
Gloria Patri #70 - Glory be to the Father
Time of Reflection
Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer
Celebration of Stewardship
Anthem/Offertory: Creation will be at Peace (Choir & Piano)
Doxology: #94 - Praise God from Whom All Blessing Flow
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn: #377 vs. 1,3,4 - It is Well with my Soul
Hymn: #529 vs. 1,2,5 - How Firm a Foundation
Congregational Benediction: As We Go
Contemporary Worship | 9:45 a.m.
Every Giant Will Fall
Made to Worship
Time of Reflection
Jesus You Alone
Celebration of Stewardship
Greet Time
Greater Things
I will Follow
Traditional Worship |11:15 a.m.
Praise Song: Shout to the North
Welcome & Announcements
Greet Time
Praise Song: Still
Modern Creed
Hymn: #377 vs. 1,3,4 - It is Well with My Soul
Time of Reflection
Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer
Celebration of Stewardship
Anthem/Offertory: Creation will be at Peace (Choir & Piano)
Doxology: #2016 vs. 1 - Glorify Thy Name
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn: #529 vs. 1,2,5 - How Firm a Foundation
Congregational Benediction: As We Go
Traditional Worship | 8:15 a.m.
Welcome & Announcements
Greet Time
Opening Hymn: #139 vs. 1,2,5 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Modern Creed
Gloria Patri #70 - Glory be to the Father
Time of Reflection
Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer
Celebration of Stewardship
Anthem/Offertory: Creation will be at Peace (Choir & Piano)
Doxology: #94 - Praise God from Whom All Blessing Flow
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn: #377 vs. 1,3,4 - It is Well with my Soul
Hymn: #529 vs. 1,2,5 - How Firm a Foundation
Congregational Benediction: As We Go
Contemporary Worship | 9:45 a.m.
Every Giant Will Fall
Made to Worship
Time of Reflection
Jesus You Alone
Celebration of Stewardship
Greet Time
Greater Things
I will Follow
Traditional Worship |11:15 a.m.
Praise Song: Shout to the North
Welcome & Announcements
Greet Time
Praise Song: Still
Modern Creed
Hymn: #377 vs. 1,3,4 - It is Well with My Soul
Time of Reflection
Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer
Celebration of Stewardship
Anthem/Offertory: Creation will be at Peace (Choir & Piano)
Doxology: #2016 vs. 1 - Glorify Thy Name
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn: #529 vs. 1,2,5 - How Firm a Foundation
Congregational Benediction: As We Go
When you give of your time, your talents, your resources, you are making a difference by sharing His love. Your giving directly impacts our church, our community, and our world. Thank you for being faithful stewards and for leading more people to know God and experience His grace through a growing relationship with Jesus.