CrossPointe Community Church

January 5, 2025
Bobby Kelly, Lead Pastor
Locations & Times
CrossPointe Community Church
36125 Glenwood Rd, Wayne, MI 48184, USA
Sunday 10:45 AM
We are so glad you've joined us today, whether you're with us in-person or watching us online! We want you to know that you matter to God, and you matter to us.
We are so glad you've joined us today, whether you're with us in-person or watching us online! We want you to know that you matter to God, and you matter to us.
New Here?
AWESOME! We are so glad you're trying us out. Can you do us a favor? Just text the word "Welcome" to 734-521-4940. We won't bomb your phone with tons of messages, we just want a chance to connect! You can also ask us any questions you might have there.
AWESOME! We are so glad you're trying us out. Can you do us a favor? Just text the word "Welcome" to 734-521-4940. We won't bomb your phone with tons of messages, we just want a chance to connect! You can also ask us any questions you might have there.
Subscribe to us on YouTube
Watch our livestream every week at 10:45am on our channel -- just click the link below. Options
You have options for giving! You can give online through the link below, or by texting your desired dollar amount to 734-228-7966. You For Giving
Budgeted Giving: $511,992
Actual Giving: $452,106
Difference: $(59,886)
As of 12/29/24
Budgeted Giving: $511,992
Actual Giving: $452,106
Difference: $(59,886)
As of 12/29/24

9am – Breakfast Fellowship
9:30am – Sunday Morning Grow Hour
10:45am – Worship Service
6pm – Sunday Evening Prayer
8am – Prayer Time
7pm – GAP
2:30pm – New Life Clothes Closet
6:45pm – Adult Bible Study, Wednesday at Pointe Kids, YDOC
7pm – New Life Clothes Closet
6pm – Ironmen
8am – Men’s Bible Study
9am – Breakfast Fellowship
9:30am – Sunday Morning Grow Hour
10:45am – Worship Service
6pm – Sunday Evening Prayer
8am – Prayer Time
7pm – GAP
2:30pm – New Life Clothes Closet
6:45pm – Adult Bible Study, Wednesday at Pointe Kids, YDOC
7pm – New Life Clothes Closet
6pm – Ironmen
8am – Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Events:
January 13 – Ladies Volleyball Begins
January 16 – Senior Luncheon
January 16 – Women’s Bible Study Begins
January 19 - Baptism
January 19 – All Church Potluck
January 29 – The Way of the Master Training Begins
February 2 – Ministry Directors Meeting
February 8 – Cozy Conversation & Coffee
January 13 – Ladies Volleyball Begins
January 16 – Senior Luncheon
January 16 – Women’s Bible Study Begins
January 19 - Baptism
January 19 – All Church Potluck
January 29 – The Way of the Master Training Begins
February 2 – Ministry Directors Meeting
February 8 – Cozy Conversation & Coffee

Missionaries of the Month
Missionaries for the month of January are Dr. Michael and Mami Butati. Butati's minister in the Ivory Coast at the Baptist Hospital of Ferke. The ministry includes providing healthcare to the poor of the community at little or no cost and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ at the hospital and in the surrounding churches. Please pray for them this month. A detailed prayer summary can be found in the lobby.
Missionaries for the month of January are Dr. Michael and Mami Butati. Butati's minister in the Ivory Coast at the Baptist Hospital of Ferke. The ministry includes providing healthcare to the poor of the community at little or no cost and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ at the hospital and in the surrounding churches. Please pray for them this month. A detailed prayer summary can be found in the lobby.
Giving Tree
In the foyer there is a white Christmas tree. This is the Giving Tree for AAA Pregnancy Resource Center. The ornaments have gift requests for the mothers and mothers to be. Please take an ornament and place the unwrapped item under the tree. AAA Pregnancy Resource Center is a great ministry that assists pregnant mothers in choosing life. Please see Dorthy Walkup if you have any questions.
In the foyer there is a white Christmas tree. This is the Giving Tree for AAA Pregnancy Resource Center. The ornaments have gift requests for the mothers and mothers to be. Please take an ornament and place the unwrapped item under the tree. AAA Pregnancy Resource Center is a great ministry that assists pregnant mothers in choosing life. Please see Dorthy Walkup if you have any questions.
If you are born again and have not been baptized yet, there will be a baptism ceremony during Sunday service on January 19th. Please see one of the pastors or call the church office to participate.
If you are born again and have not been baptized yet, there will be a baptism ceremony during Sunday service on January 19th. Please see one of the pastors or call the church office to participate.
Church Potluck
We are having a Church-Wide Potluck after service on Sunday, January 19th at 12:15 p.m. Please bring a dish to enjoy and share. If your last name begins with A-J please bring a side dish, K-P bring a dessert, Q-Z bring a main dish. All games, activities and tableware will be provided.
We are having a Church-Wide Potluck after service on Sunday, January 19th at 12:15 p.m. Please bring a dish to enjoy and share. If your last name begins with A-J please bring a side dish, K-P bring a dessert, Q-Z bring a main dish. All games, activities and tableware will be provided.
Ladies Volleyball
Ladies volleyball is back beginning January 13th, 2025. Whether you are a novice looking for recreation, an intermediate, or a seasoned pro, you are invited to play. The atmosphere is fun, God honoring, and competitive. Please see Carol Bevard if you are interested in playing on a CrossPointe team.
Ladies volleyball is back beginning January 13th, 2025. Whether you are a novice looking for recreation, an intermediate, or a seasoned pro, you are invited to play. The atmosphere is fun, God honoring, and competitive. Please see Carol Bevard if you are interested in playing on a CrossPointe team.

Title: Go Therefore
Series: Mission: Discipleship
Pastor: Bobby Kelly
Series: Mission: Discipleship
Pastor: Bobby Kelly
I declare today that the Word of God is true. I will come under the authority of the Word, regardless of my feelings, opinions, or prior beliefs. Your Word will be my sword against all that is false in the world. Your Word will never change. But I declare today that I will let the Word change me. Amen.
I declare today that the Word of God is true. I will come under the authority of the Word, regardless of my feelings, opinions, or prior beliefs. Your Word will be my sword against all that is false in the world. Your Word will never change. But I declare today that I will let the Word change me. Amen.
Pointe #1
Disciples are always being discipled.
Disciples are always being discipled.
Pointe #2
Disciple and Disciple-Maker are one in the same.
Disciple and Disciple-Maker are one in the same.
Pointe #3
What are you supplying for your brother or sister to be discipled?
What are you supplying for your brother or sister to be discipled?