Pathways Baptist Church

Sermon: A Life Transformed
Welcome to worship at Pathways. We hope you will feel the presence of God's Spirit throughout today's worship service. The worship service is live streamed at You may also connect to the service on YouVersion using the Pathways website: then select YouVersionBible. Feel free to take notes using the YouVersion app. Fill out a Connection Card (link provided below) and let us know how we can serve you better.
Locations & Times
Pathways Baptist Church
200 W Diamond Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Today's Worship Songs
The music in today's worship service is now available on Spotify using the link to the Pathways Playlist. Enjoy listening to the entire playlist throughout your week.
Welcome to Worship at Pathways:
We are thankful that you have chosen to worship with us this morning. Rev. Jonathan Der is our Lead Pastor at Pathways. We hope that you will feel the vibrant joy of worship throughout the service. We'd like to hear from you. Please use the link to our Connection Card found at the end of today's service.
May God Bless you as you walk with Him and grow in your faith journey with Christ.
We are thankful that you have chosen to worship with us this morning. Rev. Jonathan Der is our Lead Pastor at Pathways. We hope that you will feel the vibrant joy of worship throughout the service. We'd like to hear from you. Please use the link to our Connection Card found at the end of today's service.
May God Bless you as you walk with Him and grow in your faith journey with Christ.
Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir

What is your next real life practical action step of faith and commitment? Consider one of these:
1. The Rooted Experience: Winter Class (Jan 8, 2025 - Mar 19, 2025), 7:00-9:00p at Pathways
Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways. This is a commitment you will make with God, asking the group for help with accountability. The goal is to help you reformat your daily and weekly rhythms to know and experience His love and joy in you more frequently and clearly.
RSVP via the link below. It's a great way to begin your New Year with God. Mostly Wednesdays, Jan.8, 2025 - Mar 19, 2025, 7:00-9:00pm, on the Pathways campus (unless there are enough registrants for alternative dates or Zoom).
2. Gaithersburg HELP:
Pathways supports the efforts of Gaithersburg HELP to care for the people who are in need of food, clothing, and supplies for infants and seniors in our community. This is a great way you can help others in need. A box is available outside the front entrance to Pathways for you to give non-perishable food items (non-sweet cereal, rice and pasta, soup, canned vegetables, beans, and tomato sauce). Thank you for your generosity.
*Join a Group! This new year, 2025 at Pathways is an exciting time of new beginnings and new opportunities. Get to know others and enjoy the fellowship as you grow in faith and serving others. There's a place for everyone to plug-in. Use the link below to Join a Group!
3. Practical and Active Outdoors Help Kind of Person?
It's the season for snow and ice! Contact Kelly Durr in the Pathways' Office if you're willing to be added to the roster for when we need the occasional early arrival help to clear sidewalks and paths for safe walking.
What is your next real life practical action step of faith and commitment? Consider one of these:
1. The Rooted Experience: Winter Class (Jan 8, 2025 - Mar 19, 2025), 7:00-9:00p at Pathways
Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways. This is a commitment you will make with God, asking the group for help with accountability. The goal is to help you reformat your daily and weekly rhythms to know and experience His love and joy in you more frequently and clearly.
RSVP via the link below. It's a great way to begin your New Year with God. Mostly Wednesdays, Jan.8, 2025 - Mar 19, 2025, 7:00-9:00pm, on the Pathways campus (unless there are enough registrants for alternative dates or Zoom).
2. Gaithersburg HELP:
Pathways supports the efforts of Gaithersburg HELP to care for the people who are in need of food, clothing, and supplies for infants and seniors in our community. This is a great way you can help others in need. A box is available outside the front entrance to Pathways for you to give non-perishable food items (non-sweet cereal, rice and pasta, soup, canned vegetables, beans, and tomato sauce). Thank you for your generosity.
*Join a Group! This new year, 2025 at Pathways is an exciting time of new beginnings and new opportunities. Get to know others and enjoy the fellowship as you grow in faith and serving others. There's a place for everyone to plug-in. Use the link below to Join a Group!
3. Practical and Active Outdoors Help Kind of Person?
It's the season for snow and ice! Contact Kelly Durr in the Pathways' Office if you're willing to be added to the roster for when we need the occasional early arrival help to clear sidewalks and paths for safe walking.
The Rooted Experience
Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways.
The Weekly Offering Moment
We offer a weekly Offering Moment for your spiritual growth. Are you, like so many of us, caught in the accidental idolatry of money? Will you engage weekly in the spiritual act of fighting that idolatry by thanking God, the true source of all of our resources? God promises that a freedom from idolatry of any kind can be a life filled with fullness and joy and love and freedom. He invites you into this life of giving generously. Will you consider a spiritual act of generosity? Please use the link below and select "General Fund." WITH GLADNESS MEN OF OLD
Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir

What are the top 5 reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail?
(according to ChatGPT?)
What are the top 5 reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail?
(according to ChatGPT?)


Communion with Christ through the Fellowship of Believers.
"Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
Wynne Roos, Harp
"Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
Wynne Roos, Harp

Pathways Choir
Pathways Choir

Benevolence Offering:
Your offering to our Benevolence Fund at Pathways will go a long way to helping those in our church family who are deeply in need of our love and care. Our Deacons are faithfully caring for all those who need the love of Christ today and always.
Your offering to our Benevolence Fund at Pathways will go a long way to helping those in our church family who are deeply in need of our love and care. Our Deacons are faithfully caring for all those who need the love of Christ today and always.
3 Min Devo Video on Romans 12:2
With thanks to Our Daily Bread Video Devotionals on YouTube Micah 5:4; 6:8
4 He will stand and shepherd his flock
in the strength of the Lord,
in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
And they will live securely, for then his greatness
will reach to the ends of the earth.
8 He has shown you, O people, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
4 He will stand and shepherd his flock
in the strength of the Lord,
in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
And they will live securely, for then his greatness
will reach to the ends of the earth.
8 He has shown you, O people, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Bringing People Together At Pathways
Connection Card
We want to hear from you. Your comments are important to us. Maybe you would like to speak to one of our pastors. Maybe you are seeking a small group to connect with others, have a prayer request, interested in baptism or membership at Pathways. Please use the link below and let us know how we can help you as you grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God. Challenge Card
We do not give generously because we have to our ought to. We give generously because we want to be like Jesus, and we want to be lived through by Jesus, to benefit our church, our neighbors, and the Kingdom. Consider how God is prompting you to respond. Online Search - Topical Bible
Type any search topic using the link below to find verses that address that topic.
Have A Blessed Week