GracePoint Church

December 15, 2024 Sermon Notes
Welcome to GracePoint Church! Our purpose is to connect real people to the real God, and we believe studying the Bible is one of the best ways to do that. Our Advent series this year focuses on four prophecies of Isaiah that foretold some aspect of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. In this third installment, we take a brief look at the Righteous Branch whom the Lord promised would spring forth from the stump of the line of King David.
Locations & Times
GracePoint Church
1 E 22nd St, Atlantic, IA 50022, United States
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sermon Notes
We have Joy because Jesus is the Righteous King.
1. Jesus is the Restored Davidic King
2. The Lord’s Spirit Rests on Jesus
3. Jesus is Reverent before God
4. Jesus Rules with perfect justice
We have Joy because Jesus is the Righteous King.
1. Jesus is the Restored Davidic King
2. The Lord’s Spirit Rests on Jesus
3. Jesus is Reverent before God
4. Jesus Rules with perfect justice
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