The Summit Church

The Name Week 3: The Name In Us
Discussion Guide: Week 3 The Name
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
The last two weeks we have discovered that God's Name is:
Over us- which produces awe as we become aware of Him
With us- through Jesus His Son.
This week we see what it is like for God to be IN us through the Holy Spirit.
Over us- which produces awe as we become aware of Him
With us- through Jesus His Son.
This week we see what it is like for God to be IN us through the Holy Spirit.
Using the scriptures above or any other you may know list the functions of the Holy Spirit.
What do you think Jesus meant when He told His disciples it was better for Him to leave?
What was the result of the Holy Spirit's activity at Pentecost as described in Acts 2?
How have you experienced the Presence of the Holy Spirit in your life?
The purpose of the work of the Holy Spirit is to help us live out the ways of Jesus. Looking at Galatians 5 below what do you see the Spirit producing in you?
Do you equate the works of the Spirit found in Galatians 5 on the same level as some of the gifts of the Spirit such as healing, teaching, speaking in tongues etc.. Why or why not?
The Holy Spirit gives us the power to do what pleases God but we do have to cooperate or we are left to our own purposes, power and plans.
Share a time when you have done things on your own vs. being led by The Spirit. What were the results?
Share a time when you have done things on your own vs. being led by The Spirit. What were the results?
The Holy Spirit IN us is how we experience Jesus being
with US.
How do you know the Holy Spirit is working in you?
with US.
How do you know the Holy Spirit is working in you?
Where are you open to the Spirit's work in your life and where may you be limiting or hindering it?
Pray as a group to become more aware of the Spirit's work in your life and to help you surrender to it