The Summit Church

The Name Week 2: The Name With Us
Discussion Guide: Week 2 The Name
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
What names do you carry? Friend, Father, Mother etc.. Which one do you feel describes you best?
What unique aspects do you think of when you hear or say the Name of Jesus?
Jesus described Himself as The Word of God. See John 1:14 and 18 below.
What do you think John was saying about Jesus in this passage that was so controversial?
What do you think John was saying about Jesus in this passage that was so controversial?
How have you experienced God through the life and testimony of His Son, Jesus?
Do you tend to separate them in thought and action or see them as one?
If so why?
Do you tend to separate them in thought and action or see them as one?
If so why?
Jesus is Savior- From Mathew 1:21 what did the angel tell Joseph Jesus would save people from?
Saving people is exclusive to Jesus alone. What is His motivation for doing so?
While what Jesus did on the cross saved us from our sins once and for all His saving nature continues to be at work in the world. How do you see that in your own life or those around you? Take a minute to list these out.
Reading the text above and in light of your own personal life circumstances how do you see "Immanuel" being active and "with you" even if the circumstances were difficult?
Jesus is Immanuel. Immanuel means God with us.
Thinking back through time on how people worshiped God how would Jesus being titled Immanuel be an epic turn in human history?
Thinking back through time on how people worshiped God how would Jesus being titled Immanuel be an epic turn in human history?
How have you experienced "Immanuel", God with us in challenging times and not so challenging times?
Share with your group how Jesus being The Word (equal with God and a representation of Him) shapes your view of who God is.
Share with your group how Jesus is a Savior to you. In the past and present.
How can knowing that Jesus is with you to work IN you and THROUGH you give you hope in your circumstances?
Out of what you have discussed together what encourages you most and what might require deeper thought?
Spend time together praying as a group thanking God for what has encouraged you and asking Him to reveal even more of Who He is to you.