Crossroads Community Church

Galatians 5:16-25 - Wadsworth
Locations & Times
Wadsworth Campus
1055 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM

Free to Walk by the Spirit
Recognize there is a battle
Crucify the Flesh
Sensual Passions
Sexual Immorality - Any unlawful sexual acts
Moral Impurity - Defilement and separation from God from sexual sin
Promiscuity - A loss of limits in sexuality
Sexual Immorality - Any unlawful sexual acts
Moral Impurity - Defilement and separation from God from sexual sin
Promiscuity - A loss of limits in sexuality
Idolatry - Paying homage to any false god
Sorcery - Black magic, demonic control
Idolatry - Paying homage to any false god
Sorcery - Black magic, demonic control
Violations of Love
Hatreds - Fighting that tears down community life
Strife - Fighting and ill-will among brothers and sisters in Christ
Jealousy - We want for ourselves what God has blessed another with
Outbursts of Anger - Fits of rage
Selfish Ambition - success of power for our own selfish purposes
Dissensions - Cultivating splits within the church community
Factions - Divisiveness in church due to pride or envy
Envy - Rivalry that results from jealousy in the community
Hatreds - Fighting that tears down community life
Strife - Fighting and ill-will among brothers and sisters in Christ
Jealousy - We want for ourselves what God has blessed another with
Outbursts of Anger - Fits of rage
Selfish Ambition - success of power for our own selfish purposes
Dissensions - Cultivating splits within the church community
Factions - Divisiveness in church due to pride or envy
Envy - Rivalry that results from jealousy in the community
Drunkenness - Drinking until drunk
Carousing - Wild living resulting from drunkenness
Drunkenness - Drinking until drunk
Carousing - Wild living resulting from drunkenness
Be led by the Spirit