Bouquet Canyon Church
Overcoming Uncertainty
Locations & Times
Bouquet Canyon Church
26900 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
- Fearless Generosity
- Simple Practicality
- Faith-Filled Tenacity
- Trust in God's Sovereignty
- Seizing Opportunity
- Settling Your Eternity
Discussion Notes (for use in a small group or individual study)
Sermon: Overcoming Uncertainty
(Phone apps are good for comparing multiple translations. Study Bibles help with interpretation.)
1. Opening question: What kinds of uncertainty make people the most unsettled?
2. The sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 and focused on how to deal with the unpredictability of life. What do you remember about each of the main points? What stood out to you or impacted you?
For this Bible study, we will review Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 and John 3)
3. Fearless Generosity (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
a) What do you think it means to “cast your bread upon the waters”?
b) Share a time when you gave or sacrificed without knowing what the outcome would be. How did that impact you?
c) How does trusting in God free us to give without fear of loss?
4. Simple Practicality (11:2-3)
a) Why do you think the author of Ecclesiastes advises us to “give a portion to seven, or even to eight”? How does this apply to preparing for the future?
b) What does simple, practical wisdom look like in our lives today? In what ways can we live prepared without becoming overly anxious?
5. Faith-filled Tenacity (11:4)
a) What are some reasons we might hesitate to take action or move forward? How can focusing on uncertainty paralyze us?
b) Describe an area in your life where you feel called to act, but hesitation or fear is holding you back. How might faith help you move forward?
6. Trust in God’s Sovereignty (11:5)
a) How do we typically respond to the unknown?
b) What are some things about life or God’s work that we simply cannot understand?
c) How can trusting God’s sovereignty bring peace?
7. Seizing Opportunity (11:6)
a) Why does the author encourage us to “sow your seed in the morning” and “withhold not your hand at evening”? What does this say about making the most of our time and opportunities?
b) Share a time when you took a step of faith or seized an opportunity. What did you learn from the experience?
c) How can we practice being more attentive to opportunities around us? In what areas of life might God be calling us to “sow”?
8. Settling Your Eternity (John 3:3, 8-10, 12-16)
a) How does Jesus’ promise of eternal life bring certainty amid life’s uncertainties?
b) Why is it important to settle your eternal destiny? How does knowing you have eternal life affect how you face daily challenges?
9. Spend some time praying for each other. Pray for faith and confidence in the face of uncertainty.
Sermon: Overcoming Uncertainty
(Phone apps are good for comparing multiple translations. Study Bibles help with interpretation.)
1. Opening question: What kinds of uncertainty make people the most unsettled?
2. The sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 and focused on how to deal with the unpredictability of life. What do you remember about each of the main points? What stood out to you or impacted you?
For this Bible study, we will review Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 and John 3)
3. Fearless Generosity (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
a) What do you think it means to “cast your bread upon the waters”?
b) Share a time when you gave or sacrificed without knowing what the outcome would be. How did that impact you?
c) How does trusting in God free us to give without fear of loss?
4. Simple Practicality (11:2-3)
a) Why do you think the author of Ecclesiastes advises us to “give a portion to seven, or even to eight”? How does this apply to preparing for the future?
b) What does simple, practical wisdom look like in our lives today? In what ways can we live prepared without becoming overly anxious?
5. Faith-filled Tenacity (11:4)
a) What are some reasons we might hesitate to take action or move forward? How can focusing on uncertainty paralyze us?
b) Describe an area in your life where you feel called to act, but hesitation or fear is holding you back. How might faith help you move forward?
6. Trust in God’s Sovereignty (11:5)
a) How do we typically respond to the unknown?
b) What are some things about life or God’s work that we simply cannot understand?
c) How can trusting God’s sovereignty bring peace?
7. Seizing Opportunity (11:6)
a) Why does the author encourage us to “sow your seed in the morning” and “withhold not your hand at evening”? What does this say about making the most of our time and opportunities?
b) Share a time when you took a step of faith or seized an opportunity. What did you learn from the experience?
c) How can we practice being more attentive to opportunities around us? In what areas of life might God be calling us to “sow”?
8. Settling Your Eternity (John 3:3, 8-10, 12-16)
a) How does Jesus’ promise of eternal life bring certainty amid life’s uncertainties?
b) Why is it important to settle your eternal destiny? How does knowing you have eternal life affect how you face daily challenges?
9. Spend some time praying for each other. Pray for faith and confidence in the face of uncertainty.