New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

#7 - Practical Faith Sight (11/3/24)
Our Main Service Message for November 3rd, 2024.
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
REVIEW - [L. video, to see.], to see again.
1. A second or repeated view; a re-examination; resurvey; as a review of the works of nature; a review of life.
2. Revision; a second examination with a view to amendment or improvement; as an author's review of his works.
Webster’s Dictionary of American English (1828)
1. A second or repeated view; a re-examination; resurvey; as a review of the works of nature; a review of life.
2. Revision; a second examination with a view to amendment or improvement; as an author's review of his works.
Webster’s Dictionary of American English (1828)
PRACTICAL,Pertaining to practice or action.
1. Capable of practice or active use; opposed to speculative; as a practical
2. That may be used in practice; that may be applied to use; as practical knowledge.
3. That reduces his knowledge or theories to actual use; as a practical man.
4. Derived from practice or experience; as practical skill or knowledge.
Webster’s Dictionary of American English (1828)
1. Capable of practice or active use; opposed to speculative; as a practical
2. That may be used in practice; that may be applied to use; as practical knowledge.
3. That reduces his knowledge or theories to actual use; as a practical man.
4. Derived from practice or experience; as practical skill or knowledge.
Webster’s Dictionary of American English (1828)
Practical faith sight connects us to what God is giving us.

Practical faith sight connects us to what we should do.

Practical faith sight connects us to what God intends to do.

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