Community Church of Portage Lakes

Exposing a Religious Heart (Matthew 19:16-30) Harsh Truths - Week 6
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

Learn more about upcoming events and Community Groups, submit a prayer request, or give online. for this message:
I. An faulty question; What must ______________________________________________
a. A flawed perspective; He believed _______________________________________
b. The cause of confusion; How do _________________________________________
II. Jesus’ ___________________________________________________________ answer
a. Is Jesus affirming that _________________________________________________
Jesus is ___________________________ a need he ________________________________
b. Understanding Jesus’ __________________________________________________
Why does Jesus make a demand ________________________________________________
Jesus is exposing his ____________________ and his need __________________________
III. Personally responding Jesus’ _______________________________________________
IV. Discovering God’s _________________________ through the _____________________
a. The _____________________________________________ of wealth and blessing
b. Accepting the ______________________ to discover the _____________________
c. The ______________________________________________________ of surrender