Community Church of Portage Lakes

Jesus on Marriage and Divorce (Matthew 19:1-10) Harsh Truths - Week 5
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM

Learn more about upcoming events and Community Groups, submit a prayer request, or give online. for this message:
I. God’s ___________________ and __________________ regarding marriage and divorce
II. ______________________ and __________________________ confusion about divorce
III. Going back to __________________________________________________ for marriage
IV. God’s designed marriage as a _______________________________________________
a. The _____________________ and ______________________ nature of a covenant
b. How a covenant differs from ____________________________________________
c. How a covenant differs from ____________________________________________
V. Divorce is tearing what is ___________________ into ____________________________
VI. When divorce becomes ____________________________________________________
What God has __________________________, only God can _________________________
VII. Moving beyond ________________________ to ________________________________
God’s challenge isn’t just “don’t _____________________,” but it’s to ____________________