GracePoint Church

February 26, 2023
Welcome to GracePoint Sunday Morning! Our church exists to connect real people to the real God – and we believe one of the best ways to do this is to study God’s Word together. In this sermon, we take a one-week "side trip" in our journey through Hebrews by looking at what Galatians 4 says about one of the big themes in Hebrews -- namely, our new identity in Christ. May the Lord bless you as listen!
Locations & Times
GracePoint Church
1 E 22nd St, Atlantic, IA 50022, United States
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sermon Outline & Notes
The Lord Transforms our Identity
Before: We were Slaves to Sin
...and therefore we were powerless to save ourselves
After: We are now Sons and Daughters of God
At just the Right Time...
...God sent just the Right Person... do just the Right Thing.
And so now we are...
1) Adopted as Children
2) Appointed as Heirs
The Lord Transforms our Identity
Before: We were Slaves to Sin
...and therefore we were powerless to save ourselves
After: We are now Sons and Daughters of God
At just the Right Time...
...God sent just the Right Person... do just the Right Thing.
And so now we are...
1) Adopted as Children
2) Appointed as Heirs
If you are looking for something to focus your Lenten observance this year, check out the "Lent Journey" reading plan below. It is not too late to get started!
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