Spring Creek Assembly

Risk and Reward | Part 1 - The Contest
Rescue Lost People | Redeem the Family | Raise Up Leaders
Locations & Times
Spring Creek Assembly
1600 E 15th St, Edmond, OK 73013, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
We encourage you to sign in and take notes. As you follow along, you can use the "add notes" feature to fill in the blanks. The completed answers can be found at the end.

Big Truth: The contest of faith is risky because we are called to give all for the prize.
What makes us live a life of bold faith?
___: it forms perspective.
2 Timothy 4:7a, NLT
“I have fought the good fight…”
What makes us live a life of bold faith?
___: it forms perspective.
2 Timothy 4:7a, NLT
“I have fought the good fight…”
What makes us live a life of bold faith?
___: it forms perspective.
Does what you're ___ encourage steps of faith in your life?
___: it fuels endurance.
2 Timothy 4:7b, NLT
“I have finished the race…”
___: it forms perspective.
Does what you're ___ encourage steps of faith in your life?
___: it fuels endurance.
2 Timothy 4:7b, NLT
“I have finished the race…”
What makes us live a life of bold faith?
___: it forms perspective.
___: it fuels endurance.
Are your steps of ___ pushing you toward the finish line?
___: it finds grace.
2 Timothy 4:7c, NLT
“I have remained faithful…”
___: it forms perspective.
___: it fuels endurance.
Are your steps of ___ pushing you toward the finish line?
___: it finds grace.
2 Timothy 4:7c, NLT
“I have remained faithful…”

Can you feel the ___ that keeps you from quitting?
Fill in the Blanks
What makes us live a life of bold faith?
KNOWLEDGE: it forms perspective.
2 Timothy 4:7a, NLT | Acts 9:17, NLT
Does what you're LEARNING encourage steps of faith in your life?
OBEDIENCE: it fuels endurance.
2 Timothy 4:7b, NLT | Acts 26:19, NLT
Are your steps of OBEDIENCE pushing you toward the finish line?
DETERMINATION: it finds grace.
2 Timothy 4:7c, NLT | 2 Corinthians 12:9, ESV
Can you feel the GRACE that keeps you from quitting?
What makes us live a life of bold faith?
KNOWLEDGE: it forms perspective.
2 Timothy 4:7a, NLT | Acts 9:17, NLT
Does what you're LEARNING encourage steps of faith in your life?
OBEDIENCE: it fuels endurance.
2 Timothy 4:7b, NLT | Acts 26:19, NLT
Are your steps of OBEDIENCE pushing you toward the finish line?
DETERMINATION: it finds grace.
2 Timothy 4:7c, NLT | 2 Corinthians 12:9, ESV
Can you feel the GRACE that keeps you from quitting?
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