New Life Christian Center, Eckley CO - USA

#6 - The Lord of the Harvest (1/16/22)
Our Main Service teaching notes for January 16th, 2022
Locations & Times
New Life Christian Center
37116-37472 County Rd R, Yuma, CO 80759, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
#5 - The Harvest of God’s Intent. RECAP

#6 - The Lord of the Harvest

35 - teaching - preaching - healing.
36 - What did He see? Weary (harassed), scattered (thrown aside), no shepherd (no person watching over and providing for).
37 - What did He see - spiritually? Plentiful (quantity {of something well known})
- laborers few (spiritual workman are few).
36 - What did He see? Weary (harassed), scattered (thrown aside), no shepherd (no person watching over and providing for).
37 - What did He see - spiritually? Plentiful (quantity {of something well known})
- laborers few (spiritual workman are few).

38 - Therefore (accordingly {to what you’ve been shown})
Isa. 55:8-11, God released His Word to produce.
Isa. 55:8-11, God released His Word to produce.

His intent by seeding the “Word as Jesus” is spelled out.
- Darkness cannot gain control, eliminate, or outlast Jesus.
- We “beheld” His glory - view attentively, contemplate, indicating the
sense of a wondering consideration involving a careful and deliberate vision which interprets its object. The Lord of the Harvest intends for us see His glory.
- Full of grace and truth.
- Darkness cannot gain control, eliminate, or outlast Jesus.
- We “beheld” His glory - view attentively, contemplate, indicating the
sense of a wondering consideration involving a careful and deliberate vision which interprets its object. The Lord of the Harvest intends for us see His glory.
- Full of grace and truth.