Family Worship Center - Raton, NM

Be Happy (pt. 6)
This six-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.
Locations & Times
Family Worship Center
219 Kearney Ave, Raton, NM 87740, USA
Thursday 10:00 AM
Giving Link
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Sermon archive, Registrations, Life Groups Information and Conversations, as well as ease in Giving. Download Today!!
Good morning church… i’ve heard that our local football team has been doing well. I’ve heard that they are the most athletic bunch that we have had in some time.
Now I’m not here to weigh in on wether or not they were better or worse than players years past as that is a moving target at best, but what we are seeing with this squad is a willingness to work together to get the job done!
Have you ever been a part of a team like that?
Now I’m not here to weigh in on wether or not they were better or worse than players years past as that is a moving target at best, but what we are seeing with this squad is a willingness to work together to get the job done!
Have you ever been a part of a team like that?
Big Idea: Sharing the story of Jesus requires selflessness, sacrifice, and teamwork. Everyone plays a crucial role.
Application Point: We aren’t a one-man band; it takes all of us to get the job done.
Big Idea: Sharing the story of Jesus requires selflessness, sacrifice, and teamwork. Everyone plays a crucial role.
Big Idea: Sharing the story of Jesus requires selflessness, sacrifice, and teamwork. Everyone plays a crucial role.
There are many ways that FWC simply plays a part.
• Locally
Food Distribution, Hungry Hearts, community events, benevolence ministry
• State Level
Help fund camps, volunteer service at Fine Arts and Camps, Partnership for the next Generation, State missions (financial Support - Native American) Pastoral Leadership Training
• National Level
US Missionaries, Convoy of Hope Initiative, Disaster Relief efforts, Rural Outreach
• International Level
World Missionaries, Convoy of Hope, Missions Trips
And the only reason these things happen is becasue you are a part! Thank you!
• Locally
Food Distribution, Hungry Hearts, community events, benevolence ministry
• State Level
Help fund camps, volunteer service at Fine Arts and Camps, Partnership for the next Generation, State missions (financial Support - Native American) Pastoral Leadership Training
• National Level
US Missionaries, Convoy of Hope Initiative, Disaster Relief efforts, Rural Outreach
• International Level
World Missionaries, Convoy of Hope, Missions Trips
And the only reason these things happen is becasue you are a part! Thank you!