Redeemer Church Mauritius

Repairing Your Broken Walls: Week 6 - Phil Kendon
The wall is complete and the whole project took less than 6 months. Even the surrounding nations know that this could only be the result of God’s powerful hand at work. As the people reflect on what God has done, they experience something of a spiritual revival of God working in their hearts. The outside of the city is secure, and the inside of the city is being transformed. Redeemer Church is on a similar journey. We have less than 2 months to go in our building project before we meet together in our new hall. We are also praying for a spiritual revival in our church and in our community as we reflect on the amazing things that God has done in the process.
Locations & Times
Redeemer EastCoast
Above Le Bistrot, Coastal Rd, Mahebourg, Mauritius
Sunday 9:00 AM
1. A revival of scripture
People were hungry to know the scriptures and how to apply them.
People were hungry to know the scriptures and how to apply them.
2. A revival of obedience
There is great joy that comes from obedience especially when we do it together.
There is great joy that comes from obedience especially when we do it together.
3. A revival of worship
There is something special about corporate worship that we are looking forward to sharing together again in October.
There is something special about corporate worship that we are looking forward to sharing together again in October.
First the building, then the revival!
First the building, then the revival!