Christ Community Brookside
Simply Different - January 21 | Brookside
Attention - 9:00am & 10:45am
Locations & Times
  • Christ Community - Brookside Campus
    400 W 67th St, Kansas City, MO 64113, USA
    Saturday 3:00 AM
Title: Attention
Scripture: Luke 12:35-40
Speaker: Nathan Miller,

>> What has captured your attention?
>> Attention has always been a challenge
> Resources:
- Reclaiming Conversation, Sherry Turkle
- 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
- iPhones and Children are a Toxic Pair, Say Two Big Apple Investors.
- Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? - The Atlantic
>> Attention actually raises our joy.
>> Attention takes a lot of work
>> Resolutions for 2018
- Put distraction in its place
- Be with the people you’re with
- Stay attentive to the One who’s always attentive to you
"Love is focused attention." - Simon Weil
Need pastoral care?
If you need care for a loss, relationships, marriage, illness, or anything else, please reach out to a pastor. Any of our pastoral staff would be glad to meet with you, as well as connect you with other resources, including counseling.

Jen Wilkin Parenting Event

Click the link below to sign up for the Jen Wilkin Parenting Event, happening Saturday, Feb 3 at the Leawood Campus.

Jen Wilkin Women's Evening

Click the link below to sign up for the Jen Wilkin Women's Evening, happening Friday, Feb 2 at the Brookside Campus.

How can I give at Christ Community?

In a move to support your generosity, we’ve made giving easy! You can give whenever and wherever it suits you. Text “ChristCommunity��� to 77977 to get started. Thanks for your support as we continue to grow and impact our community together.