The Summit Church
FAITH IS...Worshipping
Discussion Guide - Week 3
Locations & Times
  • Thursday 6:30 PM
Prior to this message, what came to mind when you heard the word "worship"?

Worship is "who/what I go to most and ultimately in the good, the bad, and the unknown". With this definition, who/what have you worshipped in the past?
Spend time with the following passages, noting how King David worshipped in the good, the bad, and the unknown.
"But I am trusting you, O LORD, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in your hands." Psalm 31:14-15a
What does a life of worship look like? How does it go beyond gathering and singing in a building?
How might you raise your awareness of who/what you truly worship, and what steps can you take this week to re-center your worship on God?