Redeemer Church Mauritius

The Birth of the Church: Week 9 - Phil Kendon
In our passage from Acts today, we read about the first Christian martyr. It is the story of Stephen and it is the beginning of a great persecution against the church. At first, Stephen’s opponents argue with him publicly, but when that doesn’t work, they start a smear campaign by producing false witnesses. Finally, Stephen is brought to trial at the Sanhedrin. There are two main accusations against Stephen. The first is that he speaks against the temple and the second that he dishonours the law. But in his defence, he makes a powerful case that it is actually the religious leaders that are dishonouring the law and that God cannot be contained in buildings. Despite this, Stephen’s accusers are furious, and they drag him away to be stoned.
Locations & Times
Redeemer Church Mauritius
Sunday 9:00 AM
- God has met with people in all kinds of places and wherever God meets with his people, that place is holy.
- We can’t say we honour the law but at the same time reject Jesus and his authority in our lives.
- Stephen endured the same kind of trial and he prayed the same kind of prayers as Jesus.
- Whenever we die to ourselves, or someone lays down their life for the faith, the kingdom of God spreads.
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." - Tertullian