2 Peter 2:1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
2 Peter 2:4 NIV
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment
2 Peter 2:7 NIV
and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless
2 Peter 2:8 NIV
(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)
2 Peter 2:11 NIV
yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from the Lord.
2 Peter 2:14 NIV
With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood!
2 Peter 2:15 NIV
They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer, who loved the wages of wickedness.
2 Peter 2:16 NIV
But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—an animal without speech—who spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.
2 Peter 2:17 NIV
These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.
2 Peter 2:19 NIV
They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”
2 Peter 2:22 NIV
Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”