Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Zechariah 7:3

Fasting for Love
3 Days
How do you view fasting? Is it punishment, deprivation, or torture? Jesus said that his disciples would get into the habit of fasting. The Pharisees also fasted regularly but in a religious way. Jesus came to introduce a new type of fasting: fasting for love of Him. It's a search for intimacy. Let's discover together how fasting develops our communion with our Beloved.

13 Days
I sense that the Lord wants us to study the Holy Habit of Fasting. Fasting is going without food in order to feast on Jesus. I sense the Lord wants his people to learn more about fasting, how to practice fasting and learn how to do it well and effectively for the kingdom.

The Coming Messiah: A Study in Zechariah
14 Days
Like Haggai, Zechariah prophesies during the post-exilic period as Israel began resettling in the Promised Land. Zechariah encourages Israel to remain faithful and prophesies of a coming righteous King who will bring salvation to His people (Zechariah 9:10). This book reminds us that we too must be to what God has called us to, always hopefully anticipating when God Himself “will be king over all the earth” (Zechariah 14:9).