Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Proverbs 22:6

The Entrepreneurial Parent
3 Days
Leading a business and leading a family are two different endeavors. And few people are more susceptible to overlooking the latter in order to pay attention to the former than entrepreneurs. Thankfully, there are those who have gone before us who can guide us on how entrepreneurs can approach relationships.

Motherhood in the Ancient Faith
3 Days
Motherhood is a precious gift from God bringing immense joy and fulfillment to many women. Explore how God honors motherhood through Scripture and the Early Church Fathers in this 3 day devotional from the perspective of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Discover the joys and challenges of motherhood, the significance of nurturing our children, and the spiritual importance of motherhood in God's plan for humanity as taught by the Ancient Faith.

The Role of the Father
3 Days
Earthly fathers are to be examples before their children of the Heavenly Father. The role of the father helps shape generations to come! When Jesus was on the cross, He cried out Abba Father, which indicates a close intimacy with God, meaning, Father, I will obey You! Every day is Father’s Day! Let us learn to have that closeness with both our earthly and Heavenly Father!

Godly Parenting: What Does the Bible Say About the Purpose of Having Children?
3 Days
The enemy is after our children. He is envious of God’s seed because every single child has a divine purpose to advance the kingdom of God. As the body of Christ we must continue to share the truth about the blessing of having children which aligns with God’s heart. This devotional provides three biblical principles to remind us what the Bible says about the importance and purpose of having children.

Peace in Parenting
3 Days
Parenting can be so tough! Thankfully, our Lord Jesus is the best representation of what a parent looks like through love, patience, and self-control, even when we do not deserve it. Dr. Marshall walks through scripture that reminds us to parent with love and alongside The Holy Spirit as we navigate this journey with the Bible as our roadmap.

Dads, Your Words Are Powerful
4 Days
Dads have an incredible influence on their kids. Your words are powerful in the life of your child. In this 4-Day Bible Plan, Evangelist Matt Brown shares one of the most important biblical keys for dads.

The Marriage Toolkit - Parent Edition
4 Days
Being married can be a struggle. When children are added into the mix, it can be a bumpy ride. Fortunately, God gave us the right tools to smooth out the bumps and help us get control of the situation. With this reading plan, we are going to look at four tools we can use every day to have a healthy and thriving marriage while raising children.

3 Keys to Parenting With Jesus
4 Days
What I learned from observation, casual conversation, and personal experience is, you do not have to be perfect to be a good mom. What you need is Jesus. When you follow the words and ways of Jesus, he covers your weaknesses, fills in the gaps, and equips you to be the best mom for your children. Here are three keys to parent with Jesus.

Sharing Our Faith With Adult Children
4 Days
"Wives of Faith" is a group of women dedicated to prayer for children and husbands whose mission is to support each other and intercede daily before God, seeking His guidance, protection, and blessings for the lives of our loved ones. Join us on our journey of faith and love for the family.

Raising A Child Who Prays
5 Days
David D. Ireland, PhD provides a framework that elevates your prayer life as a parent, while also passing along the secrets of prayer to your little ones so they too may become spiritual giants over time. To learn more about Dr. Ireland’s teaching, visit

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 6)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 6 of 12 devotionals in this series.

We Stood Upon Stars
5 Days
Our success with five relationships will be our true measure as men: our fathers, friends, wives, kids, and God. If we don’t get these right, it doesn’t matter what we do for a living or what we’ve accomplished. This 5-day devotional is meant to get you thinking about these relationships. Each devotional includes a brief thought on a specific relationship, along with an excerpt from We Stood Upon Stars: Finding God in Lost Places. Each daily reading ends with a few questions to get you thinking and some Bible verses to dive deeper into.

The 5 R’s: Lessons We Value From Educators Beyond The Classroom
5 Days
Educators taught you so much more than the 3 R’s of reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. The values at the core of your character may reflect the lessons you learned from educators—teachers, coaches, mentors, and parents—who were rooted in God’s Word. In this five-day devotional, join Kathy Branzell, author of An Apple a Day , and revisit the 5 R’s we learned from some of our favorite educators that added value to our lives well beyond our school years.

Preparing to Parent Teens
5 Days
Deciding to become an intentional parent doesn’t happen overnight. Where do you begin? Well, you begin with yourself! And you begin with a big picture God. This 5 day reading plan is based off Beth Bruno's book, A VOICE BECOMING.

Girl, Wash Your Face
5 Days
With wry wit and hard-earned wisdom, popular online personality and founder of founder Rachel Hollis helps readers break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled and exuberant life they are meant to have.

Planting Seeds Of Faith
5 Days
Spending time in God’s Word as a family can help plant seeds of faith . Your children gain insights that will help them in life. But how do you lead your family in God’s Word? This five-day plan includes short (1 to 2 minute) audio segments from people like you. You do not have to be a scholar. These are ideas for all ages that you can use right now .

Your Date With Destiny By Jean Keys
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan on finding and pursuing your destiny will empower readers to get in touch with their deepest passion and revive their life’s dream. Each day features thoughts on a specific theme (such as discovering your talents and skills, rekindling your passion and pursuing your dream) and ends with a scripture verse. The content for this reading plan is based on Jean Keys’ “Your Date with Destiny”.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings (Part 12)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. This is the final part in series of devotional plans by Robin Meadows.

5 days
In the sequel to our first UNCOMMEN Dads' devotional, this 5-day devotion will challenge you to be a better dad, Christian, and man. We’ll tackle subjects like effort, trust, consistency and more. We hope you’ll discover the life-changing power of Jesus Christ and how he makes us UNCOMMEN Dads.

Fathers And Sons
5 days
God wants fathers to be the priest, prophet and king of their households, as well as an example for their sons. Angus Buchan encourages fathers to nourish, protect and develop the relationships they have with their sons. Through this an important family bond is strengthened, which has a significant impact on society at large.

UNCOMMEN: Empty Nest
5 Days
The children have moved out and the place seems a little too quiet. Now what? I hope you and your wife have been praying and planning for this day for some time and it has not caught you off guard. Join us as we start our own journey as well.

Adventure Together - A 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
The Adventure Together Devotional is heartfelt and perfect for parents who want to create experiences, go on intentional adventures, and build connections with their kids—of all ages—that will last a lifetime.

Parenting Techniques
5 Days
Parenting is not an exact science. Each child is diverse in temperament, interests, abilities, preferences, and responses to rules and discipline. This devotional is designed to help you navigate the challenges of parenting God's way.

Hope for School Teachers
5 Days
School teachers have a challenging job. Interactions with students, parents, co-workers, supervisors, and more can wear you down. Coupled with low pay and long hours, teachers can feel underappreciated and discouraged. Where do they find hope to avoid burnout? This five-day reading plan offers hope to teachers desiring to make a difference within their circles of influence as they walk out their faith.