Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 18:21

Grace–Simple. Profound. - Grace and Forgiveness
3 Days
We are going to look at another gift inside of grace by looking at what Jesus says about love and hate. Jesus says to love your neighbor, but to also love your enemies. This plan will take you through what Jesus says about forgiveness, and how, as children of God, we can choose to love and forgive those who have wounded us.

A Heart Renewed
3 Days
What's the condition of your heart? Not your physical heart, but your spiritual heart. If it's not too pretty, don't worry. God specializes in restoring and renewing your heart so you can love fiercely, forgive freely, and live fully. Let God create a brand new heart in you through this 5-day plan.

Be Angry And Sin Not
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart transforming devotional. Anger wants to lead you on a path of destruction, rejection and shame. When anger rules you, your heart becomes chained to the act of the offense and your heart becomes lorded by the poison of the past. Choose to let the offense go. Choose to forgive and let God wash away the pain of the past.

Sow Mercy
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful devotional. Choose to show and sow compassion towards others freely. Choose to forgive freely. Choose to sow mercy towards others in every area of your life. Choose to let your heart reflect the Mercy and Compassion of God. Let your heart be full of His Love. Let your heart be full of His Mercy. Don’t let your heart grow bitter. Forgive freely.

Agape: A Father’s Love
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming message. God is Love. There is no comparison to the Love of God. Let His Love fill every void. There is nothing that can replace His Love. There is nothing that can compete with His Love. Let the Love of God serve as the foundation of every area of your heart as you read this timely message.

The Benefits of Forgiveness
3 Days
What happens to us spiritually, emotionally, and physically when we withhold forgiveness? What are the benefits of forgiveness? Through the Scriptures and medical findings, Dr. Magdalena Battles shows how you can gain freedom from pain and bitterness through extending forgiveness through the grace of God, even if the other person never apologizes. Dr. Battles also discusses repeat offenders and what you can do to protect yourself from future offenses.

Lessons From Parables: Part 2 - Forgiveness
3 Days
Forgiveness is hard, but expected. Jesus spoke about it often in the Parables. In this reading plan, we will look at Parables spoken by Jesus and recorded in the Gospels about forgiveness and living in love with the people around us. It is possible.

Kids Bible Experience | Let It Go
3 Days
How do you respond when someone upsets you? Do you get angry? Are you sad? Do you sneak into their house at night and spread Legos all over their floor? Join in as we explore what Jesus calls us to do with our grudges (Spoiler alert: we are called to forgive!).

The Right Reaction to Rejection
3 Days
Everyone has faced rejection at some point in their lives. While this is a universal truth, some people are more vulnerable to the sting of rejection than others. This plan explores the best way to react to rejection to help you get better and avoid bitterness.

How to Love a Friend
4 Days
Learning how to be a good friend is a significant part of growing up. Over the four days of this plan, you’ll engage in conversations and activities with your children about the essential component of biblical friendships: love. Each day includes a prayer prompt, brief Scripture reading and explanation, hands-on activity, and discussion questions.

Love Forgives
4 Days
There’s a lot of faulty thinking about forgiveness. The act of forgiveness gets watered down, abused, and cheapened. Learn about what the Bible has to say about forgiveness and how we can apply this to our own lives.

Fresh Eyes On Jesus Parables—The Unmerciful Servant
4 Days
Jesus often said, "You have heard how it was said, but I tell you..." He invited His listeners to break away from well-worn ways of thinking to see something new. In Fresh Eyes, Doug Newton helps readers do just that and look at Jesus' parable of the unmerciful servant in a new way.

Moving from Hurting to Healing
4 Days
My mother said, “Be nice to everyone, because everyone has problems!” But how does one move from hurting to healing? Out of my own attempts to do so, I share my stories. God revealed crucial scriptural, Christ-centered and effective truths as a road map to forgiving, overcoming hurtful words and gaining victory through long term, painful problems.

What Does God Love?
4 Days
In order to walk closely with God, we have to love what He loves—and He loves people. That means, first of all, that He loves you. And then it means that He loves the people around you – even the hard ones. The more we understand His love for us, the more we can love people the way He does—we can love them with His love.

Discipleship & Radical Forgiveness
4 Days
Forgiveness. It is an essential part of Jesus' teaching. When the disciples ask how many times they should forgive, Jesus gives the answer: 7x70 times, which means we must forgive again and again. Bizarre right? How does this work today?

4 Days
Gratitude allows us to see God clearly through the deepest of struggles. In this Bible Reading Plan, we’ll discover 4 key areas that will help you see clearly if your gratitude is sincere or superficial.

What Does God Expect Of Me?
5 Days
God expects us to be perfect. But we can't possibly do that! Thankfully when God looks at us, he sees what our Savior did for us. He washed us clean. We are perfect in Jesus.

Beating Cynicism
5 Days
This Bible plan is for anyone who has ever found themselves growing cynical. Cynicism is almost an epidemic today, and it appears to affect Christians and non-Christians alike. Adapted from the book, Didn’t See It Coming, pastor and former lawyer Carey Nieuwhof will help you identify cynicism in your life and discover some practical ways to reclaim optimism in your heart, relationships, faith and life.

As One
5 Days
Journey with Uncommen as we consider the purpose of marriage, how we can better serve each other as husband and wife, the mysterious role marriages play, and why Jesus is our ultimate hope. We hope you’ll learn how to live as one.

5 Truths About Forgiveness
5 Days
Most believers agree that God wants us to forgive, but you and I both know how difficult forgiveness can be to walk out. Over the next 5 days, I’m going to discuss 5 essential truths about forgiveness from God’s word. These truths will help you transfer the principle of forgiveness from your head to your heart. Today is the day to forgive. Now is the time to walk in freedom.

Forgiveness At Work
5 Days
What does forgiveness look like in the workplace? Is it possible to forgive a bad boss? If you work in a hostile work environment should you leave your job or stay and resolve the conflict? This plan dives into the biblical idea of forgiveness. Learn concrete steps to restore relationships and bring God into your job.

All In The Family
5 Days
Families argue, fight, have disagreements, get on each others’ nerves, and embarrass each other. We have to learn how to get along with and love our families despite these things. By modeling our lives after Jesus and following the guidance found within the Bible, we can become better sons, daughters, and siblings to those in our earthly families and those in God’s family.

Repair & Restore: 5-Day Devo for Moms & Daughters
5 Days
Relationships between mothers and daughters can be fraught with hurt, tension, and miscommunication. These devotions offer conversation starters to speak life into your relationship with your mother or daughter. Discover powerful words that usher in healing for wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile your connection.

Love One Another
5 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful and liberating devotional. Choose to Love. Choose to Love in times of chaos. Choose to Love in times of turmoil. Choose to Love when it’s inconvenient. Love when it’s not expedient. Choose to reflect the Love of Christ at all times. Let Christ lead and soften your heart as you read this rich and life-transforming message.

5 Days
Share this marriage devotional as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart transforming message. Forgive frequently. Forgive freely. Forgive often. Let the fragrance of forgiveness freely reign within the borders of your home. Let forgiveness freely rest within the boundaries of your marriage as you read this timely message.