Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Galatians 2:20

Gospel Driven Ambition
3 Days
As Christians, is it possible to be ambitious in our work and still have our self-worth and identity firmly rooted in Jesus Christ? The world tells us that the point of work is to make a name for ourselves and accumulate fame and fortune. But as we'll see in this 3-day plan, the gospel replaces these improper ambitions with motivations to work to glorify God and serve others.

How To Answer Jesus
3 Days
What was your waking thought this morning? Maybe you don’t remember. Then what are you most focusing on today? Once we face our calling, we often don't know how to respond. We hope this reading plan will help you know how to know your purpose and answer God when he calls.

Godly Gifts
3 Days
God has given you unique gifts to make a difference in His world but is there some aspect of your relationship with God that you take credit for? These guided audio meditations will help you be more mindful of God’s precious gifts. The gift of faith. The abilities gifted to you for His glory. And even the gift of repentance to become more like Christ in how you live.

9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 3 Of 3
3 days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies with the truths about God in the Bible, to bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.

Tony Evans Explores Racial Reconciliation
3 Days
Instead of unity, many people merely tolerate other races. They simply put up with others without any desire to actually enter into a relationship with them. In this 3-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will help us move away from racial tolerance and move towards reconciliation. We will discuss the keys to authentic biblical reconciliation and why it is absolutely crucial for true unity within the body of Jesus Christ.

Are You Sharpen-Able
3 Days
No one likes to be told areas where they could improve, especially when there have been times that someone gave "crushing criticism" masked as "constructive criticism." In this devotional, we will learn the value and purpose of sharpening so that we can deliver and receive it well as we rise to God's standard of living.

4 Keys to Making a Comeback
3 Days
Every one of us have had setbacks, whether it be financial problems, health issues, loss, embarrassments, failures, or frustrations. The question isn’t really how many setbacks we’ve had, or who’s had the worst – the question is: how can we put a setback behind us and make a comeback? All things are possible with God! Here are four keys to making your comeback…

TheLionWithin.Us: How to Cultivate Growth Through Surrender
3 Days
Most people are of the mindset that surrendering is inherently bad. In fact, there are examples in history where a decision to never surrender ended up having major consequences. After thinking about how this manifests in a Christian's walk, there are three areas that, if we choose to surrender them to God, can help us grow in our journey with Him. Let’s dig in.

C.S. Lewis And The Call To Create
4 Days
This 4-day plan weaves Scripture together with C. S. Lewis’s own words to show how the redemptive work of Christ led Lewis to embrace his own vocation as a means of telling redemptive stories. As we will see modeled in the life of Lewis, the gospel changes everything about our work, from our motivations for work, to what we create, to how we work each day.

No More Taboo: Addressing Racism and Culture in the Church
4 Days
Today society is bombarded with issues which demand the attention of the Church—the body of Christ. From social injustices to racism, the world needs Godly solutions. This plan explores how the church can be part of the solution in addressing subjects naturally avoided within the body of Christ: racism and culture. No More Taboo.

Can't Go to Church? Be the Church!
4 Days
Is your church dying from Covid-19? It's ok, our God specializes in bringing new life out of death. What if while we can't go to church, we became a church that goes? Go! Live! Do you want to follow Jesus?

Your Journey to Victory
4 Days
This 4-day devotional by Bill Johnson will lead you to walk in the glorious victory that Christ gained for you! No longer wonder about the price paid for you—find victory in all that has been accomplished and conquered through Jesus!

Joining God
4 Days
Once we are saved, we have a tendency to believe that the process of spiritual growth is up to us. But the grace that saved us is also the grace that transforms us to be more like Jesus. In this four-day study, you’ll learn what it looks like to live in a way that trusts, rests, and relies on God’s strength rather than your own.

KNOW Galatians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of Galatians teaches us in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

4 Keys to Growing Spiritual Roots
4 Days
We need spiritual roots because we are to be rooted and grounded in Christ. But how do we get there? These four encouraging keys from Scripture will help you take the practical steps God prescribes that will produce deep spiritual roots in us.

Forgiveness: Looking at Your Neighbor From the Love of God
4 Days
How easy is seeing the good in another, especially when anger clouds our judgment? Stopping and exercising empathy to understand someone else's story is an act of will. It is recognizing that God loves us all equally and that his love is not exclusive to a few.

Forgiving & Rebuking
4 Days
Forgiveness is at the very heart of our Christian faith, but the uncommon virtue of positively rebuking someone in love is little understood. Take a succinct Biblical look at both spiritual practices over the next several days. Remember – both rebuking and forgiving are closely associated with repentance!

How Do You Answer God?
5 Days
We often come to God expecting Him to answer our questions. Have you considered your response when He asks something of you? This reading plan will guide you through ways to keep your eyes on Christ during prayer, meditation, and reading scripture as you respond to the questions God brings you in life.

Grace In Galatians
5 Days
Are you caught up in doing good deeds, but missing the gospel of faith? Are you feeling discouraged by faith based in works? Paul addresses this exact issue in Galatians and explores the foundational truth of the freedom of faith in Jesus Christ. Galatians offers a celebration of the freedom of grace and re-centers your focus on the law of love in God in three parts: the gospel of grace defined, the gospel of grace examined and the gospel of grace applied.

Open Your Heart // Live Fully Surrendered
5 Days
Even amidst problems, look for the good, staying open and responding to what God brings. As we encounter God more intimately, our perspective is rewritten as He reveals new ways to approach our troubles. Begin this five-day plan via Rush from Gather Ministries and allow love, rather than pain, to shape your decisions and relationships.

The Bondage Breaker
5 Days
Many believers are in bondage, enslaved by all kinds of struggles, addictions, oppression, sin. Jesus came and died to set us free, not just to give us a pathway to heaven, but to give us freedom on earth as well. If you feel imprisoned spiritually, let us show you how the Bondage Breaker can open the door to your jail cell.

Running The Race To Win
5 Days
The same way winning a marathon requires a high level of physical fitness, we must be spiritually fit in order to run well the life God has set before us. Over the next 5 days, you’ll be conditioned to run this race to win. We’ll face the hurdle of hopelessness head on. We’ll discover how to stay encouraged and keep our fires burning for God no matter what challenges await.

Fix Your Eyes On Jesus
5 Days
When you remember that Jesus is your Savior, it’s the key to letting go of your fears and anxieties and finding joy in God’s promises for you.

Flourish In Identity
5 days
This five-day reading plan helps us understand a powerful truth: what we believe about ourselves will determine the direction of our lives. In these few days, may we believe the truth about who we are as outlined by God alone and believe what He victoriously declares about who we are in Jesus.

When You Love A Prodigal
5 days
Loving a prodigal is a long and desperate journey filled with fear, worry, anger, and self-doubt. You spend hours waiting, praying, and pleading. You search for help. You feel shame. You cry out to God, "How long, Lord?" This five-day audio study will feature conversations with Judy Douglass. An author and mother of a prodigal who speaks from experience, she offers hope to help others see God's grace and love.